Tuesday, February 14th!!

Happy Valentines Day!

I guess I forgot to finish posting this topic from home...

I am in such a great mood. My foot is feeling good enough to complete L1 D4. I am really loving this workout.

How is everyone on Level 2 doing? Some of those moves look pretty strange. Though I imagine with not repeating any moves we are going to get some bizarre movements by L4!


  • hmpilletere
    Happy Valentines Day!!! What a terrible day to be on a diet! I work in a childcare center and have gotten sooooooo many treats from kids, as well as some mom volunteers that pass out cupcakes, cookies, and hot chocolate for us every year. I did not abstain from treats altogether, but didnt go overboard, and did count calories. I had 2 sugar cookies (one frosted, but lightly)...gave the cupcake and other 2 cookies away. :)
  • Ninikins2
    It has been hard today there are treats everywhere!
    I did Jillian twice yesterday and will probably do one tonight. I haven't been to the gym since I started though. I am pooped out an sore so I don't know how I could do more. What about you guys ? Anybody doing gym also??
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I have been doing the work outs religiously and pushing myself every time! Cant wait for the weekend though and my break day! Dx

    I do HIIT at night when i have the energy. :P
    I dont go to the gym though. Its kind a waist of my money unless i plan on learning how to use free weights.
  • jeangirl928
    jeangirl928 Posts: 66 Member
    Horrible day of eating! I am an oncology nurse and work in an outpatient infusion room administering chemo. So many patients brought us chocolate today. Ugh! So hard to resist. Haven't done my workout yet today but I will do it as soon as the kids go to bed tonight while I watch the Biggest Loser. Hope the tv motivates me to work hard. I need to burn some major calories tonight!
  • nakaiki
    nakaiki Posts: 180 Member
    Completed w2d3 this morning. I really need to perfect my push-ups; if I go down, I can't muscle myself up again . . .so I remain in the plank position for the Crow Push-ups and just bring my knee to my elbow.
  • Bubba_Furley
    Bubba_Furley Posts: 31 Member
    Well Saturday was my first day doing it. Sunday my thighs were so sore I could barely walk down the stairs to the tv area. Once down there I did yoga instead and made the dog pull me back up the stairs. Monday & Tuesday were much better. I agree with someone else with the fact that I needed a new sports bra... which I borrowed from my gf.. lol.. but it helped so much during those jumping jacks. Poor Jillian, she sure got some words from me. : )
  • qtpie99
    qtpie99 Posts: 35 Member
    I started week 3 today. A little more concentration on certain muscles then in the first 2couple weeks.