Member Bios



  • SarLem81
    SarLem81 Posts: 115 Member
    Name: Sarah
    Age: 30
    Birthday: May 8
    Family: Living with my dad and my dog, but getting ready to get back out on my own again.

    Motivations: Get back to being healthy. Plus, I'm single. Once I move back out on my own, I want to feel comfortable enough in my own skin so I can try dating again.
    Goals: Shed some pounds and gain some more muscle.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: This varies from day-to-day.
    Favorite Exercise: Zumba (I am an instructor, after all.)
    Favorite Color: Blue

    Thoughts/Comments: This is such a great idea!
  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    Name: Amanda
    Age: 26
    Birthday: March 19
    Family: single, no kids, and living with a very health conscious roommate

    Motivations: Anything health and fitness related motivates me. I transformed my life over the past year, and now health and fitness are non-negotiable parts of my life--as necessary as oxygen and as automatic as breathing. Right now, I really want to lose a little bit of the "cushion" around the waist, but mostly I want to build muscle and tone up. I'm on week 4 of P90X.

    Goals: 130lbs, more muscle tone (especially in the arms and abs), drink more water, and have less frequent "off days" in terms of food

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Almond butter and Korean pear slices (If you've never had a Korean pear, you've never lived!)
    Favorite Exercise: Kickboxing, yoga, hiking, and dancing (can't choose just one!!)
    Favorite Color: Purple


    Sweat is fat crying.
  • nakaiki
    nakaiki Posts: 180 Member
    Name: Nakaiki
    Age: 44
    Birthday: July
    Family: My husband and I are raising our 6 yo granddaughter

    Motivations: My husband is uber healthy and I need to keep up with my granddaughter
    Goals: 110 lb, run a half-marathon, and complete a Tough Mudder

    Favorite Healthy Snack: ?
    Favorite Exercise: walking, TRYING to learn to love running and Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 (almost ready for week 3)
    Favorite Color: mood dependent

    Thoughts/Comments: Time for a change-up; I had lost almost 40 lbs, but for some reason (no change in diet, just upped the exercise) I've gained back 6 lbs).
  • lseyes2brite
    Name: Lisa
    Age: 46
    Birthday: 09/24
    Family: Mother of two daughters (24 & 18 y/o) and divorced

    Motivations: I lost 65 pounds in 2009, I hit a bump in the road in 2010 (two foot surgeries and two family deaths) and gained 15 pounds back. I am back in the saddle and am trying to recapture my motivation.
    Goals: Drink more water and develop a good exercise regimen (learn how to weight train). I know how to eat clean and lose weight, I desire to move more!

    Favorite Healthy Snack: I have lots: almond butter and apples, roasted chic peas, unsweetened applesauce warmed with cinnamon, bananas with pumpkin butter to name a few
    Favorite Exercise: Yoga
    Favorite Color: Green

    Thoughts/Comments: I am very new to myfitnesspal. This is my first time every participating in a virtual community, I am very excited!
  • tpot74
    tpot74 Posts: 80 Member
    Name: Telisha AKA Tpot
    Age: 37
    Birthday: Oct 10
    Family: Married 15 years with two rugrats; ages 8 and 13

    Motivations: My little black dress to go out with hubby and look sexy. My new HRM; I have to get my $$ worth.

    Goals: I'm trying to get my weight down to 135. (copy from Liz) as I believe that's a good number but I just want to get rid of this bulging stomach so people can stop wondering how long I'm going to be pregnant :)

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Almonds
    Favorite Exercise: Picking up running-doing Couch 2 5K and Im liking it
    Favorite Color:Pink

    Thoughts/Comments: I am ready to do this. I have the exercise plan in place now I just need to get the nutrition part right! I'm a work in progress. I REALLY need to be in a controlled environment.
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    Name: Rachel
    Age: 42
    Birthday: jan 29
    Family: boy-9, girl-3, husband, dog and 3 cats... and innumerable dust bunnies
    Motivations: Having babies really gets me... even afterward when I am supposed to naturally lose baby weight, i just pack it on. So after my first I lost 65 pounds and got into a normal range... I am looking to do the same. I miss feeling strong, healthy, beautiful and energetic as i did then. Parenting and life is so much more fun that way!
    Goals: current 216, want to get to 180 (then reassess) and in 6 weeks I hope to lose at least 10 of that (206).
    Favorite Healthy Snack: almonds
    Favorite Exercise: cycling
    Favorite Color: orange at the moment

    Thoughts/Comments: I am excited, this is my first challenge!
  • rocker1966
    Name: Penny
    Age: 45
    Birthday: Sept 4
    Family: Married with an 18 year old son

    Motivations: Joined this awhile ago but never kept up with it. Started back as I can also use this on my phone which makes it easier to keep track.
    Goals: Motivation! I joined another 6 week challenge today at the gym I attend!

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Apples
    Favorite Exercise: Eliptical & riding my bike
    Favorite Color: Black

  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Name: Karen
    Age: 31
    Birthday: 18 Oct
    Family: I live in our small zoo with my husband, his twin daughters, our three children and
    - my sons mouse, the 3 cats, 1 dog, 1 chicken and some fish in the pond
    Motivations: I finally woke up and realised where I was wasn't where I wanted to be, I'm feeling better nearly every day but still on the road
    Goals: To keep losing weight and inches, to tone up the flappy bits - sorry - and to be able to buy clothes I want not because they fit

    Favorite Healthy Snack: scrambled/poached egg from my chicken
    Favorite Exercise: walking my dog, but I am liking weight s too
    Favorite Color: Purple

    Thoughts/Comments: can't wait to get started
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    Name: Amy
    Age: 31 for a few more weeks
    Birthday: March 12
    Family: Live with my husband, our 2.5 year old son and our 2 cats

    Motivations: Started my "journey" in November after i created my own challenge on Facebook with some local ladies. I was sick of being fat. Interestingly, i got rid of 2 garbage bags of clothes only 2 months before, deciding i would just always be fat. Wow, do i have a different outlook now! I am here in this challenge because i love to connect with others and participating in challenges and having lots of goals helps me stay focused and energized.

    Goals: For this 6 weeks, i would be ecstatic to get my weight under 150, but that might not happen. Overall goals are on my blog here on MFP, i have many. I set up mini weight loss goals throughout the year with target dates and I have fitness goals for the first time in my life as well. I will start the C25K program this spring and will run a 5k this fall. For me, this is huge. I have never run more than a mile in my life and even then it was only 2 times in high school!

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Fruit, skinny cow or weight watchers ice cream, or strawberry shortcake (with sugar free angel food cake, fat free coolwhip and fresh berries! YUM!)

    Favorite Exercise: I am attending fitness classes 3x week and love it. Sometimes bootcamp, cardio kickboxing, etc

    Favorite Color: purple

    Thoughts/Comments: Just figured i would share that my starting weight was 193.6 and i am currently 158.6 I am 5'1" and my overall goal is 130 or so, probably closer to 125.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Oops forgot to do this!
    Name: Courtney
    Age: 26
    Birthday: April 2
    Family: I live with my parents, brother, and grandpa, who I take care of pretty much full time. I also have a dog, zooms...he's a mutt and the most awesome dog in the world!

    Motivations: I'm competitive...and I do better when I have small goals to get's weird but if I have a checklist, I'll get things done faster just to get to check things off haha. For the weightloss in general I'm in my cousin's wedding at the end of september and I want to look awesome...also we're going to vegas for her bachelorette party and I want to look hotttt!
    Goals: I'd like to be under 200lbs by august (cw-251)..Id also like to run a 5k in November

    Favorite Healthy Snack: popcornnnnn
    Favorite Exercise: swimming or zumba
    Favorite Color: red
  • super_star_27
    super_star_27 Posts: 99 Member
    didn't get round to this before but here it is:

    Name: Ree
    Age: 20
    Birthday: November 2
    Family: i'm currently living with my mum and sister in our little cottage :smile:
    Motivations: dunno really...probably some of my old clothes that are too small for me that i have lying around
    Goals: just to tone up and lose a few inches off my stomach and upper thigh areas.

    Favorite Healthy Snack: any sort of fruit
    Favorite Exercise: burpees. or jogging. i like jogging.:smile:
    Favorite Color: puple
  • chefanie85
    Name: Stephanie
    Age: 26
    Birthday: March 23
    Family: I'm Mexican & family is ginourmous!!! :) But they are my life!!

    Motivations: I want to have a healthier lifestyle. I'm tired of feeling fat and lazy. lol
    Goals: Overall, I want to be in great shape. My shallow goal is to wear a bikini when my bf and I go to the lake this summer. lol

    Favorite Healthy Snack: I am fairly addicted to fruit...any kind really.
    Favorite Exercise: I am addicted to running.
    Favorite Color: Blue :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • rachit1974
    rachit1974 Posts: 8 Member
    Name: Rachel
    Age: 38
    Birthday: 24 February
    Family: Engaged to Sean and one daughter Grace, aged 11 going on 21. 4 horses, 3 cats and an English Bull Terrier (I can't just call him a dog, because he's really not just a dog!)

    Motivations: I would really love to get back into my white jods and start seriously competing my horse again so need to shift these pounds. I'm currently a UK size 16, I'd be happy with 14 and estactic with 12. I think the last time I was a 12 was when I was about 8. I'm fed up with being over weight.
    Goals: I hate exercise and I'm hoping this challenge will focus me to get moving. With all my animals and working full time, plus studying for accountancy exams I'm always finding excuses not to exercise1

    Favorite Healthy Snack: at the moment, jazz apples - strange but true
    Favorite Exercise: horse-riding (naturally!)
    Favorite Color: Pink

    Thoughts/Comments: Looking forward to the challenge and making new friends. Please feel free to add me as I need all the help I can get!
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    Name: Slinky
    Birthday:24th July
    Family: married and have a 5 year old son (turning 6 in March)
    Motivations: No more flab! Muscles! Sleeveless tops! Looking like the real me again!
    Goals: Overall= lose the last 20 pounds and have good muscle tone. Fit into a uk size 10 jeans.I actually don't care what I end up weighing as long as I am a size 10! This challenge= lose 5lbs or more and make good food choices ie. stop having the odd takeway/rubbish.
    Favorite healthy snacks: Hummus of all varietys and oatcakes.
    Favorite excersise: Elliptical and Hillwalking (I live in Scotland so that's out of the question just now due to weather!)
    Favorite colour: purple
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 336 Member
    Name- Renu
    B'day- 25th July
    Family- 2 amazing daughters aged 17 yrs and 11 yrs.Great husband married 25 years.
    Goals- To be 175 lbs by my 50th birthday.
    Favorite healthy snack- grape tomatoes
    Favorite exercise- kickboxing/ basic aerobics.
  • beckie1185
    Name: Beckie
    Age: 27
    Birthday: January 1st
    Family: I live with my boyfriend of a year and our kitter cat
    Motivations: I want to look good and feel sexy again while I am still young!
    Goals: My MFP goal is to lose a total of 43 lbs. I am 9 lbs down so far!
    Favorite Healthy Snack: Baby carrots
    Favorite Exercise: Recently started learning how to hula hoop
    Favorite Color: Green!

    Thoughts/Comments: Let's do this!