Challenge for week #3

kreiskathy Posts: 42 Member
Happy Valentines Day!
Remember that there is no 6:30 class tonight. We will meet again next week. The topic will be "Eating on the Go", focusing around fast foods, supplements, snack bars, etc. Your challenge this week is to send me or bring with you copy of your favorite fast food meal , as well as a healthy alternative. You can post them to this site, email them to me or just bring them to the class. You will receive extra points for your participation. Also, some of you have posted some great healthy ideas for meals and snacks to the group site, please keep them coming!

Have a great week.


  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    Ill be honest - Believe it or not, I have not had fast food in probably 10 years. But when I did - I used to pound down 2 whoppers with cheese, French Fries, and a large vanilla milk shake.
    (Yea - lets do the calorie math here - 2 whoppers w/ cheese (1520 cals), large fries (500 cals), Large Shake (1100 cals)
    3120 total - damn!

    Vanilla shakes are by far my favorite thing. And I do indulge on them once in a while. But A while ago I stumbled upon the Yoplait Frozen Smoothies - which make for a great alternative.


    You get 2 - 8oz servings from 1 package (prepared w/1 cup milk) @110 calories each, not too bad at all.

    But I have to doctor pretty much anything I eat, so....I package, 1 cup skim milk, add an extra banana (or other fruit of your choice), a dash of vanilla extract, a bit of nutmeg and cinnamon, and extra Ice (this is key), you can make the serving size a reasonable 12oz. and its only about 150 calories - or go to town on the entire package and call it lunch ;)
    Turn it into a protein shake using either some protein powder, or some peanut butter.

    Gets me past those cravings that I sometimes get.
  • I usually like to eat the Bojangles Grilled Chicken Sandwhich.

    I still do. Except now I will ask for extra lettuce, throw out the bun , wipe off the mayo and use the lettuce as a wrap.
    Great way to rid yourself of 100+ calories. And the protein from the chicken is the best part.

    Debbie Mickus
  • I had the subway turkey and ham salad today with fat free ranch and lots of veggies, very filling and good. I can't say it's my favorite.
    I can tell you the Cook Out Grilled Chicken Sandwich with lettuce, tom, onion and pickles is very good without mayo of course and without the double duty sides they offer you. Can someone tell them to add a salad or fruit on their menu. But the chicken taste like something homemade. Yummy
  • Debbie next time time try cookout's grilled chicken sandwich no mayo you can throw the bun out but I add lettuce, onion tom, and pickle no sides. Yummy
  • My favorite fast food is pizza. I will indulge but now instead for 3 or 4 slices I will eat one and I have only had pizza once. If I start having cravings I drink EAS advantage protein drinks. Fills me up and stops the cravings.
  • :smile: Sounds good
  • I don't often eat fast food...but when I do, I really like Cookout! I typically get grilled chicken with only pickles and lettuce (no condiments). BUT I have been known to get the hamburger with ketchup and mustard and an order of fries. The fast food that I most typically gravitate towards is Subway...I get the 6" wheat with turkey (no cheese), mustard and lots of veggies.
  • pattycwxpgm
    pattycwxpgm Posts: 4 Member
    I think my favorite fast food would be a sub from subway. I recently started going to Harris Teeter on Friday nights and getting their fresh made subs. I try to pick a "healthy" lunch meat. I get roast beef and turkey. I guess to make it healthier I could get it on the wrap instead of a bun.
  • BOC57
    BOC57 Posts: 44 Member
    My favorite fast food is Chipotle Grill carnitas salad topped with lots of guacamole, and of course a few tortilla chips on the side. Ran the whole thing as I would usually eat it through the tracker and it came out somewhere in the neighborhood of 900 calories. And let me just say that this salad didn't even have dressing, sour cream or cheese on it......can you imagine the calorie/fat count on that?? The sodium was through the roof!

    So I decided to do some serious research by taking myself to lunch at Chipotle last week. I ordered my usual salad, skipped the black beans and the chips, ate half and ended up trashing the other half (this was very sad, but guacamole and pork gets ugly after a few hours sitting in a bag in your car. The end result was closer to 300 calories. and though it still has a fair amount of fat, most of that is coming from the guacamole, which is good fat.

    Now there is always the Home Grown Pizza issue.....but really we only do that about once a month and I don't eat the whole small pie anymore........*sigh*

    Another favorite FF place that can do some damage is the hot bar at Whole Foods. Buffets are never a good choice for me, because no matter how many great healthy options there are, macaroni and cheese always makes it onto my plate. I'm telling you, it's a jungle out there!