Kickstart your Metabolism

For those doing the first week using 'Kickstart your Metabolism', feel free to post here.


  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I'm starting Monday and I'm going to try to do the kickstart. It's only 7 days, so hopefully, I can motivate myself enough for a week. I'm concerned with this program though because it says it's for extreme weight loss and basically on the kickstart, you are keeping your calories at 1000/day, which is low if you don't have an excessive amount of weight to lose, or at least I think it is, ha ha. This morning I got rid of MOST of the junk in my cabinets (bisquick, ramen, mac and cheese). We'll see! Someone else needs to do the kickstart with me! :)
  • kacmae
    I just received my Body Revolution and I'm going to start the "Kickstart" on Monday also!! Hopefully I can stick to!!
  • charlene_1980
    I'm doing the kickstart in the way of the exercise, but I don't plan on following the meal plan. I eat well and I'm comfortable with how I eat so I don't want to change it. Then it will be like a 'diet' for me. I've done day 1 and 2... tomorrow is full cardio.. ack. I work shift work though, so I'm doing both workouts one after another instead of one in the morning and one at night... I hope that isn't hurting me...
  • ufedak85
    Charlene, I'm doing my workouts back to back. I'm not doing cardio 1 as my 2nd workout but I will be doing some type of 2nd workout after the BR workouts. For week 1 and 2, I'm doing Turbo Fire 30 2x a week and Physique 57 Express 30 once a week and then a stretch workout on Sunday. I like that Jillian's workout is 30 mins, that way I know I will get her dvd done with, but if I am able, I will do both my workouts together because if I wait, the day gets in the way and by the time evening comes, I just want to go to bed or vegg. :P
  • myeatman
    myeatman Posts: 19 Member
    I received BR yesterday and I'm starting today. I just ate my first "kickstart" breakfast. I think the diet is going to be harder than I thought but it's only for 7 days. I can do this!
  • sdsmom
    sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
    Myeatman-The only breakfast I liked was the canadian bacon with poached eggs, avocado and tomatoes. I ate that every day and am still using it now in the next phase. It kept me full until lunch time. I couldn't stomach the yogurt without any sweeteners but after the kickstart week you can add a little honey to the yogurt. Good luck!
  • myeatman
    myeatman Posts: 19 Member
    Oh my gosh, I know! It took me 20 minutes to get the yogurt down! Where do you find low sodium nitrate free canadian bacon?
  • sdsmom
    sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
    I couldn't find the nitrate free canadian bacon. I either use regular canadian bacon or reduced sodium bacon and trim off the extra fat. Yeah, the yogurt is nasty! It's good though to replace mayonaise. I made the chicken salad in the regular diet and it was really good.
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I am starting the jumpstart today. My options are going to be even further limited as I travel for a living and only have a microwave/refrig. But, I am going to try to stay as close as I can to the meal plan. It is just 1 week. :-)
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    I just completed the 7-day Kickstart yesterday. I had fantastic results. Today is Day 8 for me. I have a blog that you can follow if you would like. Add me as a friend too if you want.
  • kacmae
    Started Kickstart today, Did my AM workout and eating the Greek Yogurt w/ Cinnamon and Almonds for Breakfast (Yuck! on the yogurt).
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I think it's funny that everyone hates the yogurt. I eat plain greek yogurt with cinnamon and cinnamon almonds for breakfast almost every day. I love it!! My husband just got called into work so I think I'm gonna do the kickstart and get my pm workout in right now! I'm only following the meal plan by restricting my cals to 1000 net.
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    Haha. I love greek yogurt also!! I guess I am in the minority.
  • lalfaro01
    lalfaro01 Posts: 60 Member
    I love Greek Yogurt as well! And I have been using Truvia to sweeten it slightly. Jillian approves of it over artificial sweeteners so I thought I'd give it a try. I'll probably stick to that breakfast for the next 5 days too since it's easier for me to pack and bring to work.

    I'm tweaking some of the meals as well since I'm not a great cook and keep ruining the recipes, haha. Tilapia salad today for lunch!

    Also, I'm down 2 pounds from yesterday but that may just be water weight.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    Well I finished week 1 of the kickstart. I'm SO GLAD I won't have to do two workouts every day again for the next 11 weeks! The cardio 1 x 2 days were rough. BUT WE MADE IT! I did not follow the meal plan, but tried to restrict my cals to 1000. For the entire week, I averaged eating 1110 cals and a 454 calorie daily burn from the workouts. I lost about 3-5 lbs over the week... not really sure as my weight fluctuates a lot and I don't weigh myself at the same times every day, etc.
  • wrapabar
    Starting the kickstart tomorrow; can't wait to see the results at the end of the week.
  • vai45
    vai45 Posts: 29
    Hi all! I'm starting the 7 day kickstart tomorrow. I won't be able to get the AM workout in, so will also be doing them back to back! I hope I can stick with this!
  • CurvyTrini87
    Started Today! I must say that I enjoyed it. I feel Great Today!
    My starting weight 315.6.
    I kinda cheated, with the fact that I didn't used any dumbbells. I wanted to start of using my natural body weight..

    Good Luck to everyone!
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    I just finished and lost 2.8 pounds. I'm so happy! Husband lost 7.
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    I started today and have already done workout 1. I will be doing the cardio workout after lunch as I wanted to give myself a couple of hours to rest so that I could give the cardio workout everything I have. I am not following the diet because I am on a restricted doctor diet with 1200 calories, but since my doc told me not to eat my exercise calories, I think I will be fine.

    I took before pictures today along with weight and I will measure after the cardio workout. I can't wait to see the 30, 60 and 90 day results!

    I only used 3lb weights today, but I think I will up that to 5lb weights next time I do workout 1. Some of these exercises were simple for me and some were still pretty tough.

    Good luck to everyone!