Love in the MMO world



  • qristina
    Met my husband in WoW in 2007. He was my guild leader. He tanked, I healed. I moved from Michigan to California to be with him. Married 2 years now! We have moved on to SWTOR, but will always love WoW!
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    I met my ex in WoW, dated for 3 years and he's still the love of my life. May be getting back together with him, but who knows. I hope so ^_^
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    Met my husband in EQ (we were both Guides on the same server, I was the Senior Guide) in 2000, we married in 2002. Still going strong!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I met my husband *because* of WoW but not on it.

    We met at my workplace and he heard me mention WoW and my level 60 rogue (this was WAY back in the day when 60 had just become the cap).

    So he invited me on a date (in an email, no less, hooray for nerds) and we had a WoW playing date night. Never looked back :)

    I did have a friend who met and married a guy on LotRO. I can't say I agree with what she did. Here's how it went down:

    She and her husband played LotRO.
    She met a guy and started spending a lot of game time with him. Her husband got mad.
    The guy made a new character and pretended to be a woman so that the husband wouldnt find out.
    She went to see visit her "girl friend" (who was actually the guy from the game).
    She came home and divorced her husband.
    She is now married to the guy who pretended to be a woman for her.
    She has been very happy for the last two years.
    I'm glad she's happy but I think there could have been a better way.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    That's crazy on your friend Ive had similar situations happen to my friends also, some think the grass is greener on the other side..... I guess.....
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Met my husband in WoW in 2007. He was my guild leader. He tanked, I healed. I moved from Michigan to California to be with him. Married 2 years now! We have moved on to SWTOR, but will always love WoW!

    I was the GM/raid leader and he was the tank! Good times lol.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I met my partner online, in a chat room, 9 years ago. He moved across country to live with me and introduced me to EQ. We played together and I ended up the guild leader of a top 5 guild (on the server). At one point, we each had 3 accounts and together, could fill an entire group, with each of us 3 boxing (I played tank, CC, dps, he played puller, healer, dps). Then mercs came out. Anyway, I finally retired last October.

    We still play WoW together on Saturday nights.

    We've been together for 9 years and have a 6 1/2 yr old daughter :heart: .
  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    My wife won't even play frogger, she hates out door rock climbing ( i love it), she hates powerlifting (i love it), She hates foreign films or anything that isn't a chick flick, only likes country/soft rock, says she hates protein based foods, and doesn't understand meme's.... why did i get married again?

    wow its like reading a story of me and my wife :) lol but yeah sometimes you just fall in love with your opposite :)
  • Iheartpsychosis
    I met my husband back in 2001 on MSN messenger lmao. He was roleplaying Dragonball Z... I don't know what was quite attractive about that now that I think about it lol. He introduced me to MMOs and I freaking love em. We play a lot of games together. However, I'm WAY more competitive and sometimes he doesn't even wanna bother going there lol.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    My wife won't even play frogger, she hates out door rock climbing ( i love it), she hates powerlifting (i love it), She hates foreign films or anything that isn't a chick flick, only likes country/soft rock, says she hates protein based foods, and doesn't understand meme's.... why did i get married again?

    wow its like reading a story of me and my wife :) lol but yeah sometimes you just fall in love with your opposite :)

    I am very thankful & lucky & feel blessed everyone always tells hubby & I only thing that separates us is the male/female difference!
  • melneh
    melneh Posts: 25
    LOl I love these stories!! I met my bf on warhammeronline. He played order I played destruction - never talked for the longest time - just killed each other over and over and over again. One day he found the ventrillo I was in - and happily ever after I guess....

    He is lucky is am totally into geeks!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    hmm i met mine while playing Left 4 Dead 2... not really a MMO... lol, and we are 32- 34 hours of flight apart...
  • Femmekid
    Femmekid Posts: 424 Member
    I met my boyfriend on GaiaOnline (lol, how embarrassing) in 2008. We dated for two and a half years long distance, lots of plane trips and such. Well I moved from Southern California to Oregon about a year and a half ago to live with him. We've been together for over four years now. :) We're technically engaged but neither of us are in a rush to tie the knot.

    We also played several MMOs during our long distance relationship. Maplestory, Ragnarok Online, Dofus, and a few others.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    and we are 32- 34 hours of flight apart...

    Good God. Where and where?
    We also played several MMOs during our long distance relationship. Maplestory, Ragnarok Online, Dofus, and a few others.

    I actually came across an article soon after I started dating my boyfriend that pushed playing MMOs together as a good way of bonding, because you're interacting and seeing the person in a different light. I always say meeting through one is a very different way of meeting someone because you've already seen them in intense situations (assuming you're raiding, or whatever) and see how they interact with a wide range of people. Not sure if this makes any sense whatsoever...
  • Femmekid
    Femmekid Posts: 424 Member
    and we are 32- 34 hours of flight apart...

    Good God. Where and where?
    We also played several MMOs during our long distance relationship. Maplestory, Ragnarok Online, Dofus, and a few others.

    I actually came across an article soon after I started dating my boyfriend that pushed playing MMOs together as a good way of bonding, because you're interacting and seeing the person in a different light. I always say meeting through one is a very different way of meeting someone because you've already seen them in intense situations (assuming you're raiding, or whatever) and see how they interact with a wide range of people. Not sure if this makes any sense whatsoever...
    That makes sense. I think that it helped us bond because we got to work as a team on a lot of those MMOs. It was really fun for us. I miss those days, now we're both too busy with school and work to play MMOs... but I am determined to go back to Dofus one of these days. I love the turn based action.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Hubby & I it was 1200 miles apart and at the time he lived in the USA and I lived in Canada now we both live in the USA, we played online games together A LOT after we got married now we only play a free one together that takes only 2-3hrs a day cause it goes by action points to move etc, he doesn't have time to play MMOs anymore with his work hours so on his off days we spend time watching movies or playing card/board games with friends or tabletop RPGs once in awhile which is still fun :) Since i am a housewife I play lots of MMOs while hes at work and Aion just went F2P and im locked in with wow so i get D3 for free, so many games not enough time LOL
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Met my husband in Dark Age of Camelot over 10 years ago. I am Canadian and he is American, so similar story. We have been together 10 years, married 6, have 2 great kiddos and still very much so in love. He still plays mmos but I don't. The kids are 1 and 2 and I'm in college. Gaming is on the back burner.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I played WoW with people I knew in real life, including old friends from hs. We ended up hanging out in person, again, and I ended up getting with my best friend from hs. It's going to be 7 years this summer.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Met Norri-butt back in December in SWTOR actually. Was sorta just strung out and messed up over some dumb hermit-crab at the time, so any social interactions with the Nor were more friend oriented- and healing. Build my confidence up, reminded me that I was a human first, and not a door mat to be in the friend zone.

    Our very first interaction was actually through some server-plot line RP. My former guild was hire out like thugs to go break her character's arm for 'having to much of a good time' (her character being an SIS agent that at the time was using the cover identity of a bar-tender).

    It was a classic cantina scene. Me, and two others came in and posed as normal patrons to the Yocola Tonka (former In character bar on Nar Shadda). Pookieov hired the Noble Rogues. The Rogues being a guild that wanted to 'defend the republic at all costs', so something as shady as the Dead Star Cartel was a no-no, being associated with it was being the 'friend to betray, gather information in the mean time' sort of situation. Pookive was dumb enough to fall for it.

    Anyhow! THE CANTINA. I was there on my smooguler and then two others- Dare and Daxter (both smuglers, one a scounder and the other a gunslinger). The set up was to star a bar-fight, and during the fight we were to "break" Norredi Dekk's arm, then possibly get him out of the bar by himself to question why the Dead Star Cartel wanted to rough him up, and go from there.

    Went fairly well. Salin (my smooguler) posed as Daxter's girlfriend, and Daxter posed as a drunk. Dare went up, and would flirt with Sal- thus evoking a drunk angry Daxter to start a fight. Fake arm-breakage. Some sneaking around, then discovering the Ninth SIS agency, then bam. Dead Star Cartel slave trade event- we had to free one of the SIS agent assets from the slave auction on Tatoonie.

    And that's how me and Norri started to RP. From there on out, we became good friends. It wasn't till Febuary-ish that we actually developed feelings beyound friendship.

    Its kinda fantastic, because we're like bfffffffff'z and stuffz. And derpy. I can't stop talking about her, its kinda embarrassing sometimes due to the fact I'm such a logic based creature, and have never actually. Felt. this intensely for another human. Ever. And felt it returned back to me.
  • Cravepain
    Cravepain Posts: 63 Member
    I meet my boyfriend of almost 8 years on Runescape. He ended up coming here to Michigan from Arizona to visit and a month later after returning home came back to stay. We have been together ever since and still going strong. :smile: