Jillian Michaels Website

sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
I broke down and set up an account on the Jillian Michaels website yesterday, taking advantage of my free 30 days. I have to say I was disappointed that I couldn't find much about body revolution. There was one challenge that is starting next month and one user blogging about her experience. I figured there would be a special section or group for the new users of body revolution but I couldn't find anything. All of her DVDs are listed in the exercise tracker which is kind of cool. For example, 30DS was there, even broken down by level. None of the body revolution DVDs were listed. I realize that the program is new but you would think they would have something about it on the site. I did read about some of the why's of the nutrition and that was helpful. Overall, I was disappointed and I have set an outlook reminder to cancel before I get charged!


  • charlene_1980
    Thanks for posting this. I was curious but am now glad that I didn't join. Let us know if they add anything about BR in the next 30 days!
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    I totally agree. I got a free 30 days with my Ripped in 30 DVD, and am supposed to get 30 days with the Body Revolution, but I don't really like the site at all. You get kicked out every time you click to another area, the layout is hard on my eyes for some reason. I will also cancel before the 30 days is over.
  • sdsmom
    sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
    After more digging, I found 4 discussions that one of the site admins posted for the body revolution people. Not as much as I expected as a lot of the recipes are not available in the food journal and none of the workouts are listed as options for the fitness journal. All of her other DVDs are listed. One member contacted customer service and asked if the body revolution would be added and they said no. Disappointing. There is more here on mfp than there is on the Jillian site!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Just curious.Is anyone doing the Body Revolution program on her website now?
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    I signed up for the free 30 days and then called to make sure that I wouldn't be billed for the next month. It didn't have a body revolution area, so it just wasn't as valuable as you all in the group here. And Myfitnesspal is free. I can say that I am still receiving my daily emails which I appreciate.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok.Thank You :smile: