Great results?

merflan Posts: 216 Member

I'm still doing 30day shred but have my Chalean. Extreme ready to start in 15 days. I'm curious though if anyone has had great results? I was reading online reviews yesterday and no one reported great results. I'm feeling discouraged.


  • isys5
    isys5 Posts: 213
    I am having great results :) Just finished the first week of the Push phase and I am so much stronger, lean muscles are popping up everywhere. I have been sore all month, in a very good way. You have to use good form and go slow as she says and you will see results. Apparently you see the greatest results in the Lean phase when move fat is lost to reveal the muscles you have built in the past 2 phases so I am really stoked to see the results at the end if I am seeing them so well already :)
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I think I had great results! I lost 14 lbs and over 15 inches. And did the program during a time when I normally maintain or even gain weight (holidays, birthdays, and vacation in Disney!). Probably would've had better results if my diet had been more in check too. But yup - go heavy and don't puss out and you will definitely get great results!! Plus you must eat way you are gonna build muscle eating in a big you gotta factor that in.
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. I'm still on JM 30 day Shred. Today I did JM Level 2 plus the cardio video...Extreme burn? I think that's what it was called. Was great workout.

    Looking forward to starting!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I am seeing great results as well. I have lost 4lbs just in the last 2 weeks that I started Push. I feel much more toned and definitely see fat being replaced with muscle or at the least firmer I was pretty much a cardio junkie, throwing in a bit of strength training here and there (think Bob Harper, Jillian Michaels, Jackie Warner type) and basically getting no where. When I started eating better, the pounds started to come off. Once I started CLX the loss continued but I FELT like I was getting somewhere. Does that make sense? Give it a week or two, I think you will love it. I do!
  • OneBryteSmile
    OneBryteSmile Posts: 808 Member
    I started January 23rd and finished the Burn Phase. I'm not sure if my results would be considered "great" but I've been told they were pretty good for where I'm at. I lost about 2.4 lbs (about .6lb a week) and 2.5 inches and 1% body fat. I don't have as much weight left to lose so my weight loss has slowed a bit plus I'm building a little muscle. Good thing I didn't decide to do CLX for weight loss. I wanted to do it to build a strong muscle base, lose body fat and tone and that is what's happening so far and I love the changes I'm seeing in my body. I look smaller now than I did when I weighed a couple of pounds less. I hope to see even better results in the Push Phase which I started this week.

    Good luck to you!
  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member
    I am about to finish CLX.... next week actually ....
    I just lost 4 pounds but I didn't have a lot of weight to loose , however I did loose inches ( I wish I would've taken measurments :S )
    I didn't follow the diet plan to the T so that might have been a problem and I started the plan during the Holidays ( day after Thanksgiving) .
    I think is a great program that makes you feel challenged and that is always good!