What's your hypothyroid story?



  • Sarah83E
    Sarah83E Posts: 12 Member
    I will update on my story. I went back to my doctor yesterday. I was down another 4lbs! so I've lost 21lbs since sept. (Only been really trying for a month though).

    Since my blood sugar was still high on my labs the doctor said I had a "little bit" of diabetes (I dunno how I can have a little bit??) LOL So I start on Metformin today to help lower my blood sugar. The doctors office gave me a Blood glucose monitor with 10 strips for free. I took my sugar at 430pm after the dr 6 hours after eating lunch and it was 99. and my resting at the dr the other day was 130. This morning I took it and resting was 105.

    My thyroid looks great she said and my blood pressure is great!

    If anyone wants to add me please do!
  • his_mrsjen
    his_mrsjen Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Jen, I’m 29 years old. I'm a newlywed and have Hypothyroidism & PCOS. I was diagnosed with Hypo in early 2012 & PCOS in late 2012. I had the symptoms that a majority of all of you wrote about. I was placed on Levothyroxin 88mg then the medication increased to 100 mg - which is what I’m on now. I was also placed on citalopram 20mg & spironolat 25mg .

    I’ve been overweight my whole life – roughly 30 pounds – and all the times I would visit a doctor, their explanation would be “you are eating too much and not exercising.” I thought it was me and not putting enough effort into wanting to be healthy and thinner. In 2010, I joined a Zumba class and started counting calories – I was determined. I did the Zumba class twice a day for 11 months and stayed on a 1000 calorie diet. Well, I gained 100 pounds in 11 months while religiously doing Zumba and counting my calories. I was exhausted throughout the day always moody.

    I finally went to my primary doctor, who is absolutely amazing, and was tested for everything. When I was diagnosed with Hypo, I was relieved and scared. I was relieved because finally there was an answer & medication for all the symptoms I was experiencing. I was scared because I realized that it would be a lifetime battle and I had to struggle even more to lose weight!

    There is so much I still need to learn about Hypo & PCOS because I’m a ‘newbie.’ I’m struggling with the weight loss and moods on a daily basis. I exercise but don’t see any weight loss. I was placed on Metformin and gained 30 pounds – and the medication was horrible. I was then placed on Phentermine and lost the 30 pounds I had gained with the Metformin. It took a while to have my medication at the right dosage – lots of struggle. I did not like the side effects of Phentermine and so, I'm going to work on losing weight without medication.

    Needless to say, I’m mostly scared that when I plan to have a child with my husband, it will be very difficult. I am on MFP & this group to hopefully have support and encouragement from others that know what I’m struggling with. I welcome all to add me, private message me and provide me with plenty of advice/guidance.

    Thanks, Jen!
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi Jen, I lost weight both times I was pregnant. It was strange and there was no explanation for it. The just yelled at me for not eating and I was and I was eating healthy the first time, broke the second time. No one every bothered to check my thyroid.