
fritzy2000 Posts: 18 Member
Hi everyone, this is my first comment within this group and I saw it being entitled "motivation" I thought I would put a post in here.
I am absolutely struggling to stay within my calorie limit and exercise. Don't know whats wrong with me but have no motivation at moment. :( anyone any tips?


  • MermaidMaiden90
    MermaidMaiden90 Posts: 3 Member
    I personally hate it when I go over calories. I workout more to burn off the extra calories. But that's just me.
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 146 Member
    I've hit a rough patch too. My weight loss has been steady but I'm just tired of counting! Oh well....this too shall pass!:ohwell:
  • brewerj22
    Sorry this is so hard right now. Sometimes it helps to rethink about feeling hungry. I have recently started telling myself that the thing I once thought of as hunger pain is really my body's way of telling me I'm thirsty. I will drink a glass of water before I eat anything when I feel hungry. I will wait 10 minutes after drinking the water to see if I am still hungry before acting on my hunger.

    Feeling hungry also tell me the changes in my life are working. I am losing the weight. This feeling is telling me that I am burning fat. I AM DOING IT! YEAH!

    Maybe that feeling of hunger is telling you to DO something. When I am watching TV and commercial after commercial is food, I know it is time for me to DO something else. It amazes me how much of our culture is wrapped around food.

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