liquid diet coming up

sooooo did anyone just want to eat and eat about a week b4 the 2 weeks of liquids prior to surgery??? I think that is one of the reasons I may be wanting to eat everything in sight when I am not even hungry, I have to stay out of the kitchen to be safe, lol.


  • freakingenius
    freakingenius Posts: 40 Member
    omg YES!!! I had a lot of those "its the last time i can ever eat..(fill in the blank)..." moments! and i filled most of those moments with oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies... i can't say those were the good ol' days, because these days are pretty rockin ;)

    it'll pass. try to keep on track with your calories & exercise goals. i know it feels like you're never going to be able to eat again, but it does pass rather quickly and the grass is so much greener on the other side! =D
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    I knew have particulars at this point, but last night I had a bowl of cereal and 2 slium fast snack bars, and a turkey sand with is much better, but its still early.
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    When I started all of my pre-op stuff, I started eating like I would once I got banded (slightly bigger quantites). I figured it would be easier to go from a 1500 cal diet to a 1000 than to go from a 2500 cal diet to 1000. By the time I got to my pre-surgery liquid I had already lost almost 30 lbs. Since I already had convinced myself several months earlier that I had my "last meals" starting the liquid pre-op was pretty painless.
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    cb, I have been doing that too, its just knowing that in a week (the first of march) I will be consuming only liquids, and of course sugar free jello and pudding. I have lost 20 lbs since last month by doing this and practicing with a shake one or two times a day then a meal, and sometimes just one meal, not by choice, trust me. somedays I just wasnt hungry. I am working thru the "last meal" thing day by day and hae not really gone overboard, for that I am grateful. Now if I can just get these smoothie/protein shake recipes down then I will be ok, I just have to tweak them.
  • tessanne10
    tessanne10 Posts: 99 Member
    I had been doing two protein shakes with fruit mixed in or a Tbsp of peanut butter with 1/2 Tbsp of Dark Cocoa Powder. That tasted like a peanut butter cup. I also would do 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese with the fruit a little sweetener and lemon extract and this also tasted like cheesecake.
    I'm still trying to figure out everything. The dietician said after surgery it would be fine to use the extracts, but no fruit for awhile.