Newb with ? about equipment from home

I want to do NROL and I've read through the women's book and am currently browsing through the men's book. My hubs and I currently have only one car so I'm limited on getting out much right now as he works and I'm a SAHM. So...a gym membership is not in the works. I want to get enough equipment to be able to start and finish this program at home. I have an idea of what I need but I was wondering what you home-lifters suggest. What are the essentials and what are the "nice-to-haves though not necessary items"?? step further - what brands do you recommend (if I have to go out and buy something new (first choice is to hit up craigslist), I don't want to invest in ****ty equipment, I want something that will last). Thanks for any help!!


  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Essential: Olympic bar. It's big: 7' long and weighs 45# by itself. It will have 2" sleeves on the ends that allow the weight to rotate as you lift. DO NOT get some kid's set with plastic-covered concrete weights. Get the one that takes iron olympic plates. (You can always buy more of these along the way as you get stronger.) My stuff is CAP brand.

    You will need a power cage or squat rack or something that you can use as one. Otherwise, someone will have to help you get the bar up on your shoulders or you will be prevented from squatting any more than you can lift over your head yourself. I recommend the cage, as it provides safety for squats and benches, plus a pull-up bar.

    Essential: a selection of dumbbells, 5# up to maybe 25#, or a set of adjustables.

    You can modify or substitute for bench, ball, and box, but it may take some of the effectiveness away from the moves.

    I found the basics in a local trading paper. (A friggin' steal! Bench w/ cable station, curl bar, oly bar, and 500# of weight plates for $200!!!!) Been adding to it every payday...just received my olympic dumbbell handles from outgrew my biggest dumbbells (25#); now I can load the dumbbell handles with my oly's the limit!

    Edit: ESSENTIAL: I highly recommend a set of lifting gloves. Keeps you from getting callouses, helps you have a little better grip, and (maybe it's just me) when you put them on, you feel like a BEAST! Raaaaawwwwwrrrr!!! LOL!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I failed to say thank you for your suggestions!! I am slightly overwhelmed trying to find a good deal in local ads and such...LOL! But THANK YOU!
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    I've been looking at this program too and was wondering about doing it from home. Glad I looked through the topics list! :smile:
  • sedosher
    sedosher Posts: 142 Member
    I am on week one and doing it at home. Currently I only have adjustable CAP dumbbells but am shopping for more equipment. Thanks for the info!