Favorite recipes from the book

I'm following the diet plan at 40/30/30, I did cut off 250 from what the book suggests as maintenance because I'm trying to lose some body fat. I hope that all the protein I'm getting and the small deficit will allow me to keep most of my muscle mass.

This week I have been trying a few of the recipes. I've tried the oatmeal with almonds and chocolate protein powder and I love how quick this is -- breakfast takes the same amount of time it usually does for me. I usually add a half grapefruit or another fruit.

This morning I tried the ricotta yogurt frozen berries combo and OMG YUMMY!!!!!

I'm also enjoying eating cottage cheese and raisins for snacks.

I haven't tried any other recipes yet. I have noticed that just incorporating those breakfasts and snacks has made it so much easier to hit my daily macros :)

Which recipes have you tried and what did you think?