Two Gym Funnies

Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
Two gym funnies (feel free to add your own)...

First, I listen to my iphone while I workout. I also use it in my car. I have the Curious George Soundtrack on there for the kids (plus I love Jack Johnson too). Anyway, I was already to do my squats earlier this week and what song pops up - Curious George. I'm sorry but you just can't "lift" to Curious George. There was a big "meathead" type guy wearing a Pantera t-shirt. I'm praying he didn't hear it. LOL! Maybe I need to make a playlist instead of just using shuffle.

Second, I went to gym early yesterday morning to do my cardio. No one in weights section except one guy using machines. Today, my lift day, the weights were PACKED. Grrrr! My confidence about being in weight section has increased a LOT but still makes me an itty bitty bit self conscious.

This one isn't so much a funny but an inspiration. There was a lady on the cardio machines several rows ahead of me the other day. She has a GREAT body. Gorgeous muscles. After cardio, she went and did heavy weights. I later bumped into her in locker room. At this point, I hadn't seen her from front, just behind or from a distance. I was shocked, she was OLD. I would have thought she was in her 20's. :noway: Seriously she had a body anyone would want to have. Weights=good! Very inspiring!