Struggling today!!

Today was katsu curry in the work canteen, the smell...ah i love it....i keep thinking about pizza

my god you were right 4th day is the hardest... I sit two desks from the vending machine and its killing me :-/


  • Hey there, I have just finished my second day of deit chef, I am finding the food quite nice so far, wasnt too keep on the mushroom risotto though, tasted odd to me. I was thinking of emailing diet chef and asking them to try to invent a healthy pizza, my partner had one today and it smelt great haha.

    I would love to be a diet buddy with you, I need motivation.

    How are you finding the diet so far? any favourites or dislikes?

  • robbda
    robbda Posts: 82

    My first official weigh in and i've lost 4lb! i'm chuffed especially as i slid a little over the weekend with eating out with my BF.

    yeah I find the pasta dishes are a bit odd, but i love the chili and curry! My fav has to be the veg chilli and the salt and vinager popcorn I haven't got risotto but I do have pealla in this hamper - will let you know what I think!

    I am really enjoying it, its just what i needed, i reckon after my 3 months are up I will have a fair idea of how to carry it on myself buying stuff from the supermarket its the portion control i've always struggled with but this diet is def given me an idea - plus the microwave option is brilliant as I work long hours.

    i know what you mean about Pizza - my first day I went to a friends and took my dinner with me.. my friend and her son sat and ate peperoni pizza - My favourite and it killed me I could have easily have given in... I will have a hunt and see if I can find a low cal recipe and mail you!

    happy to be a buddy :-) I need all the help I can get! x
  • fluffy925
    fluffy925 Posts: 93 Member
    Congrats on your great loss of 4lbs for your first wegh in! wtg