bariatric advantage....eww much?



  • kidskart
    kidskart Posts: 79 Member
    I do the gummies too. I had the sleeve, not band. The gummies are a life saver for me! Good luck!
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I had the sleeve too and I was told no gummy because they don't have enough nutrients in them. I do take the Centrum chewables (with iron). I take one in the morning and one at night. No extra iron needed. My nutritionist said these are some of the better ones out there. I was told I must do chewables for life. I also take sublingual B-12 and calcium citrate (I think these are Celebrate brand from my doctor's office as I couldn't find chewable calcium citrate anywhere).
  • VaingloriousVictoria
    VaingloriousVictoria Posts: 137 Member
    Flinstones...they rock! Pun intended. I do love the gummies, but that isn't an option right now since I am 5 days post-op. :) Good luck finding something you enjoy!
  • Napjeeper
    Napjeeper Posts: 36
    Flintstones (get the regular ones, they actually have more iron in them than the "Iron" branded ones). 2 a day and I'm good. I've always personally felt like the bariatric specific vitamins were/are just marketing materials. Vitamins are vitamins and I've never had bad labs.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I used to use BA, too, but they are so expensive. Now I use mostly CVS brand and get them when they're buy one get one free. I save so much money this way and my labs are still good.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Personally I would never use gummys or Flinstones. Here are a couple of excellent blog posts by a fellow weight loss surgery vet: