Weight fluctuations 2 weeks out?

So yesterday, my 2 week anniversary post-op, I was down a total of 20 lbs - woo hoo! But I got on the sale this morning and was up 5 lbs!! I mean I am eating the same stuff and drinking the same amount so I am a bit discouraged. Anyone else had these big jumps and have some words of encouragement. It really put me in a bad mood today.

I did do 10-minute trainer cardio yesterday, which was hard but it was only 10 minutes. Could that be it? It's scary to go through something this drastic and still struggle with the same crap. :cry:


  • Your body is going thru a big change.....get into a routine of tracking your food and be consistent with exercise. The routine is the important thing right after surgery.
    When the time comes, the fills will help. Give your body a chance....don't get down. Remember, it's a long haul and a lifestyle change.
    Stick with it....
  • Thank you. I had gastric bypass and everyone said you can't really do wrong the first 6 months. I haven't deviated in anyway so thats why it is so frustrating...
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    I'm 5 weeks out of gastric by pass and my weight jumps up then down. My MD told me the more water I drink the better I will level off. He also said the amount of protein we by pass people need can affect elimination - and you can get really backed up. Drinking water will help the intestines do their job and keep it all flowing. Granted fluid can mean juice, milk or coffee, but the best for the body is plain water. He wants me to drink 60oz daily. That has been very hard to do, but when I have done it, I 've felt so much better .... and lighter. Hope that helps.
  • I didn't realize from your first post that you had GB. Anyway, the fluctuations will happen, as I said, get into your routine with exercise and become an expert on what your body reacts to food wise.
  • freakingenius
    freakingenius Posts: 40 Member
    after the first couple of weeks your body will start to retain liquids and the sudden drop in pounds equals out to a steady drop. don't worry about a little bump in the scale every now and then. being *ahem* backed up is common, invest in colace and drink as much as you can handle. when you can tolerate solids, try to get in some fiber filled foods with your protein. I eat 1/4 cup of my home made (sugar free) granola on top of my greek yogurt for breakfast, or 1/4 cup or so of oatmeal with an egg. that has really helped me.

    keep us updated on your progress!
  • Thanks everyone I appreciate the advice and support :heart: