Insulin and cravings

I seem to do alright trying to stick to the calories on my diet but if I take the insulin shots just can't seem to resist the cravings for carbs. Taking 1000 whatever of metformin in AM and again in PM. 34 units of insulin in AM and 38 in PM. Had run out of insulin and with low carb diet and exercise was doing alright for about 3 weeks but sugar started climbing so when more insulin was available stated taking it again and the cravings started and I end up stuffing myself. Frustrated with myself, where is my will power? Frustrated and depressed.


  • I am the same I am on Metforming and Gliclazide also inject slow release,Solo star Glargine at night 45 mg...

    I also crave carbs Bread mostly and cakes but I try to resist..I need to lose 6 stone.... so I have joined this site and on a mission x:bigsmile:
  • Thanks for giving me a reply. For a while it looked like I was going to be totally ignored. I guess what I really wanted to find pot was is it the insulin shots that are making me have the cravings?
  • Gbelk1
    Gbelk1 Posts: 32 Member
    I do not take insulin so I cannot advise you. I would recommend you talk to your doctor. Maybe a very low carb diet and more cardio exercise would help and you could avoid the insulin completely good luck.
  • LeannSz
    LeannSz Posts: 68 Member
    I don't take insulin now I did when I was pregnant I think the cravings are the nature of the beast that is this disease I think we all have them and will power to resist is very hard. When dealing with a craving I usually allow myself to have a little to avoid later having way too much because I have denied myself for so long it builds up until over load. Good luck with your journey.