Going to the specialist today...need advise

Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
I finally after 2months and 20days of waiting am going to see the endo about possible hypothyroidism....since the crap doc I went to in the begining thinks I'm 100% fine every though my sympthoms are crazy and my blood work is high, but thanks to the dreaded TSH which is within range I'm fine....well than why do I feel like crap every day etc....anyways!! Moving on.....Need some advise on what I should bring with me.....I got all my blood work done since Aug of 2011 (had to get blood work done for a new job) as well as the one's the first doc ordered. I also made a list of all my symptoms so I wouldn't forget when I was in the office and a list of my vitamins I take.....any thing else I should bring?

Also, if anyone knows what it means for the following tests....

I had LOW: AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT), Alk Phos
I had HIGH: BUN creatine


  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    These are the labs recommended for hypothroidism on the Stop The Thyroid Madness site:
    1. TSH But this lab is only for diagnosis of hypopituitary, NOT to diagnose or dose your hypo by.
    2. Free T4 and Free T3 (note the word “free”–important since it measures what is unbound and available.)
    3. Reverse T3–to be done at the same time you do the Free T3. Then calculate your ratio with the results and measurements.
    4. Thyroid Antibodies (anti-TPO and TgAb. YOU NEED BOTH.)
    5. Four iron labs, which include Ferritin, % Saturation, TIBC and serum iron
    6. Adrenal Cortisol levels (but we strongly recommend saliva tests, not the one time blood test your doctor will do. One result does not tell the whole story. See below, because you don’t need a prescription)
    7. B-12 and Folate
    8. Magnesium and Potassium, plus Calcium, Sodium, Glucose (All the latter are part of the Comprehensive Metabolic Profile–CMP blood test–as well.
    9. You can also ask for the RBC (Red Blood Cell) versions of Mag. and Pot, which measures cellular levels.) For potassium, make sure the rubber tourniquet is not left on more than 60 seconds, says this study.
    10. Also note that the Buccal Mg lab test is finally available and seems to be more correlated to cardiac health than RBC Mg,but is expensive and not always easy to get.)
    11. Vitamin D3 (25-hydroxyvitamin D lab test…)
    …plus others your doctor may recommend.

    High Bun Creatine is related to your kidneys -- it can be due to dehydration so drink plenty of water this morning and on the way to doctors. AST levels can be affected by taking statins for high cholesterol... related to liver function. Some supplements like ecchinachea can impast AST also.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    My chol. is high which annoys me because I track my chol. and always eat low....which I have read is a "symptom" of hypo
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Yes - hypo drives up cholesterol -- my Naturopath took me off of statins completely -- he said as long as I am eating well and exercising and my "good" cholesterol is high, we're not going to worry about that. The statins are worse for us than the high cholesterol!! They can seriously damage your liver *and* they collect in your muscle tissue to make your muscles cramp up. As though we don't have enough muscle aches from hypo!! Geez.. give me a break!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I agree that the complete metabolic panel is good along with free t3, free t4, and the reverse t3. My doc seems to watch the t3 closely bc sometimes my other levels say I'm fine while my symptoms are more closely tied to my t3.

    I hope you get some answers and feel better soon.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    WELL, he did a series of more tests to compare to my ones from the beginning of Jan, he also added a T3, Reverse T3 and a vit D test. He was concerned with the cholesterol because my dad and grandfather both died at 43 from heart attacks, so I'm at very high risk for it....so we shall see what these results say. Idk if I should be upset or feel better. He said I'm not nuts and even if my tests came back within range that I obviously have symptoms and the pills could def benefit me. So shall see....he told me to stay away from wheat and gluten as much as possible and milk since it bothers my stomach :( dunno how well that will work
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Well that sounds promising!! At least he tested for the important stuff! My family also has a high incidence of heart disease so he does need to watch out for that -- but if he gets your thyroid under control, it should help with that. And you are eating healthy and exercising -- so you have to keep doing that knowing your family history.

    I am hopeful - it's hard to get them to test for RT3 and antibodies!!
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    he also said that he doesnt always go by test results. He said that if I tell him I'm exercising and eating right and everything and still feel like crap than there should not be a reason for all this. And that it's not normal and he will figure it out lol and that if he needs to put me on meds he will, cause he goes by symptoms not just test results