
Raemama Posts: 203 Member
Let's concentrate on some positive results that we've experienced so far on our quests for health:

1) Even with only a 15 lb weight loss, I definitely have more stamina when going up stairs and during other physical activities. I work for a large university and don't get nearly as winded making a trek across campus.

2) My jeans that I wear around the house are actually LOOSE! That's pretty cool. That means soon the pair of jeans I've had sitting my drawer that have never fit may actually button in another 15 lbs or so... SUPER cool.

3) I can bowl more without having knee pain (this makes my husband happy, too, because we can play together longer).

4) I kept my promise to myself that I will not purchase a single piece of clothing until I lose 30 lbs. Last night I almost bought a pair of pants and tank (I am always on the look-out for really good bargains) but I put them back on the rack and instead bought my daughter a beautiful Ralph Lauren velvet jacket (at least 80% off!!). She loves it and I am proud that I kept my promise. Knowing that means I can also keep other promises, like not straying from my food plan until my birthday weekend (March 24). Hmmmm... by then I might actually have lost 30 lbs - my husband better watch out because I will definitely need some new clothes! lol!

5) I just realized I am over 10% to my goal. My job involves a lot of statistic/goal tracking and I've learned looking at my weight loss in percentages makes it even more tangible. Woot!

What are some triumphs (large or small) ya'll experienced this past week? Let's celebrate them together!!!


  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Well done on your victories!
    I have had two this week.
    1) Yesterday, my colleague told me two things. Firstly, how impressed she is by my willpower and secondly that she can see that I am starting to lose. I was so pleased especially since I am premenstrual and feeling very bloated.

    2) This evening after a very hot day and a lot of walking around my feet started to swell a bit. I just realised that this is the first time since I started on 10 Feb that they have swelled at all. Considering they used to swell almost every night I was so pleased about this. Must be all the water, lol.

    I will be having my first weigh in when I go back to the dietician if I can wait that long.
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Well done on your victories!
    I have had two this week.
    1) Yesterday, my colleague told me two things. Firstly, how impressed she is by my willpower and secondly that she can see that I am starting to lose. I was so pleased especially since I am premenstrual and feeling very bloated.

    2) This evening after a very hot day and a lot of walking around my feet started to swell a bit. I just realised that this is the first time since I started on 10 Feb that they have swelled at all. Considering they used to swell almost every night I was so pleased about this. Must be all the water, lol.

    I will be having my first weigh in when I go back to the dietician if I can wait that long.
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Well done on your victories!
    I have had two this week.
    1) Yesterday, my colleague told me two things. Firstly, how impressed she is by my willpower and secondly that she can see that I am starting to lose. I was so pleased especially since I am premenstrual and feeling very bloated.

    2) This evening after a very hot day and a lot of walking around my feet started to swell a bit. I just realised that this is the first time since I started on 10 Feb that they have swelled at all. Considering they used to swell almost every night I was so pleased about this. Must be all the water, lol.

    I will be having my first weigh in when I go back to the dietician if I can wait that long.

    Terrific - those are wonderful. I can't believe how much better I'm feeling after only 15 lbs... I can only imagine how it will feel in another 15. Just think - maybe soon your feet won't swell at all!
  • Chaquilas
    Chaquilas Posts: 49 Member
    Congratulations everyone!

    Today is 60 days of logging on MFP

    I have lost 23 lbs in these 60 days(weigh in tom.)

    I walked 3 miles yesterday with Leslie Sansone.

    I have learn to fight through my issues

    I can grocery shop for myself again.
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Well done on your victories, those are awesome. I know what you mean about grocery shopping, I either come back with all the wrong things, or having spent too much money or both!
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Hey Group - let's talk about our triumphs - come on!

    I am so excited and proud of myself. Last night I was SO hungry, I thought I might cheat. But instead of eating something I shouldn't have, I exercised. This was the first time I did something like that and am amazed 1) how much energy I had afterwards and 2) what a good mood I was in for the remainder of the evening. Hmmmm.... there might just be something to this exercise thing!
  • KristalDawnO
    KristalDawnO Posts: 154 Member
    I've been in a lull the past couple weeks. Last night I developed a 5 month plan for myself, with a big victory at the end! I'm looking forward to keeping it up and meeting my goals. You will see much more of me on the forums!
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Yay Kristal!

    What's your big victory??
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    This morning I hit 15% to my goal - great victory!

    I also fit into a pair of pants I haven't been able to wear in two years. Yes!
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Well done on your victories. 15% is great, I am busy working towards my 10.

    A few years ago I started on a diet and bought a pair of jeans and a top one size smaller than what I was. The goal was to fit into that, well now of course I picked up even more! So, now my goal is to fit into those jeans within the next 6 months.
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    You can do this!!!

    About a year (or more... I can't even remember) I bought a pair of jeans without trying them on. Well, they did not fit - couldn't even button them. Awful. They were so inexpensive I didn't take them back. I pulled them out yesterday and I can now button and zip them. Now, I'm not saying they LOOK good, but I was able to get into them. Maybe in about 10 more pounds I will actually wear them out in public. ;)

    Yay for us! We can do this! We will do this!
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    I have had a couple of victories myself...

    1. My jeans can be pulled down without unsnapping or unzipping when going to the ladies room.

    2. My sister said she can tell in my face that I have lost weight.

    3. Spring Cleaning is going so well this year and I am getting ready for a MAJOR yard sale.

    4. I am helping my sister with a fundraiser bingo for a 10 year old boy with cancer. It is non operative and his odds for his fight are not good. I have been running around gathering donations for the bingo from local merchants. We have gone to 50 so far. I was not able to do this type of thing before.

  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Those are wonderful victories!
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Well done!
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    I have a new NSV: I've been going up the stairs (three flights... I know it's not that amazing!) to my office lately. I would not have been able to do it without the weight loss. Yay!
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Well done! I hate climbing stairs
  • Canuckgirl77
    Canuckgirl77 Posts: 123 Member
    Although I haven't lost any weight yet, my jeans are fitting me differently and my tummy is (slightly) less bloated looking. I'm also more conscious of what I'm eating before it goes into my mouth.
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
  • Canuckgirl77
    Canuckgirl77 Posts: 123 Member
    a pair of my pants have begun to get very saggy on me, so i took them in to the tailor's today. it's so exciting to be able to alter my pants instead of having to buy a bigger pair!
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Good for you! I have so many jackets that I love - I am going to see how much it will cost to take them in.

    A blouse I bought weekend before last is already getting too loose. Aren't these good problems to have??

    Yay for us!