
Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
Yay! I'm very excited for this to start on Tuesday! We can do this everybody! We GOT this! Now, if at anytime somebody wants to give up, post in here so we can support each other to NOT give up. This will be me at some point I know it! I've always given up on the workouts but I can't this time. I want this SO bad I can feel it!


  • kristy919
    kristy919 Posts: 13 Member
    I need this too. I'm so excited to get started again. Shaun T will definitely keep you motivated. I can't wait to see the inches melt away. Make sure you get your measurements... you'll want to know where you started.
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I need this too. I'm so excited to get started again. Shaun T will definitely keep you motivated. I can't wait to see the inches melt away. Make sure you get your measurements... you'll want to know where you started.

    Yeah I'm going to be taking before and after pictures. And before and after measurements. :)
  • jenhaze
    jenhaze Posts: 25 Member
    I'm scared,lol. But "I'll do it afraid". My new slogan from Joyce Meyer.
  • Hey all,
    I actually started today, just found this group.
    Have fun with yourfit test! I nearly puked twice :)
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    I'm 2 weeks in. Glad to see other people are doing this right now. I was searching for Insanity support!
  • I'm starting today along with my friend! Wish me luck!
  • DIG DEEP!!!
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I am restarting today, will be doing my Fit Test after work eek
  • jeannietate
    jeannietate Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, I'm on week 4 tomorrow, its great to have a group like this. Its totally amazing how u feel after each workout, its empowering, wish u all good luck that are just starting it, and just hang in there, its tough but worth it!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Today is my rest day. Starting week 3 tomorrow!
  • Hi guys.
    I recently burned a copy of the Insanity program from a friend and returned it not realizing that I had not burned the first one(they were out of order). Last night I popped in the second disc and tried to do it. I made it about half way through the warm up. I'm going to try it again tonight. Any tips or thoughts? Man,they don't call it insanity for no reason!lol
  • kristy919
    kristy919 Posts: 13 Member
    You don't go in order with Insanity. The one you should start with is the fit test. The rest of them are mixed up throughout the week so you aren't doing the same thing over and over. There is a different set for the 1st and 2nd month. If you would like a copy of the schedule, let me know. I'll help you out.
  • Yes please.All I have is disks and I feel lost.
  • kristy919
    kristy919 Posts: 13 Member
    I'll message you...
  • daphnedmm
    daphnedmm Posts: 13 Member
    I'm on Day 5 and glad to have found support from others doing Insanity.
  • I think I'm going to take the fit test today! Should we start a new threat with out fit test results? :)
  • I did my first fit test again today!

    I lost 40lbs 2 years ago by doing Insanity and Weight Watchers. I have stabilized and feel really comfortable at my new weight (140lbs currently) but would like to lose my last 15lbs before my wedding in October. Although Insanity sucks at the beginning, have patience, and just walk through when you need a break. It really helped to transform my body. I didn't have a 6-pack or anything, but I dropped from a size 12 to a size 6 in 4 months.
  • I am starting today - I am so excited. I am so glad this group is here so I can get help to NOT QUIT! I am heading on a cruise in 66 days so I need this. So excited - Thanks!
  • doublezizzle
    doublezizzle Posts: 42 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow, 3/1. Close enough right!
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I am starting today - I am so excited. I am so glad this group is here so I can get help to NOT QUIT! I am heading on a cruise in 66 days so I need this. So excited - Thanks!

    Welcome! I'm glad I decided to make this group! A lot of people joined and I'm happy about that! Good luck!