Week 2 Chat Thread

lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member

Week 1 we worked on getting our water. This week, we will continue getting in our water (working towards 1/2 your weight in pounds as ounces of water) and eating right. We each have a calorie goal for each day. Stick to it! Eat healthy, get your fruits and vegetables, healthy carbs and protein. Let's have another great week!

Don't forget to report in! Put your week 1 results into the report in thread, here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/504890-report-in-week-1


  • lseyes2brite
    I am speaking success into the universe for week 2. I am so pumped, but it seems that today I am extra hungry today. I had my steel cut oats with pumpkin butter for breakfast. I ate my cup of strawberries for snack. I hear my veggie spaghetti sauce over shirataki noodles calling my name from my lunch bag..."Lisa, I am here, eat me!" I call back, "It's not 11:00 yet!"! I guess I will drink some hot tea and hope that drowns out those voices in my head!
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 364 Member
    Pumpkin butter in the oats sounds delicious. I'll have to try that sometime
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    I have those days. Not sure what triggers it, but I'm sure you'll get through it. If all else fails, grab an apple or something good to snack on if you're hungry again.
  • chefanie85
    I'm having a pretty veggie-rific lunch. I tried a Smart Ones meal, potatoes and broccoli with cheese. Kinda upset my tummy while I was eating it, so I didn't finish it. I switched to a Green Giant steamer (I brought a backup in case I didn't like the other one), Rice and broccoli with cheese. I wish it was brown or wild rice instead of white rice. But it's better than the other one. I really wish I had some yogurt though, I could really go for some with fruit in it.

    Also, neither meal really sat well on my stomach..and now all I want is a pb&j :(
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 336 Member
    Week 2
    Day 1- Lunch was Tuscan bean spinach soup hope to get something healthy for dinner.
    Water 4 glasses done- 32 oz.
  • kebuda
    kebuda Posts: 9 Member
    On track to stay within my 1200 calories for the day, with maybe room for a glass of wine!! 70oz of water down, going to do another 16-20 to make up for this morning's coffee and tonight's wine!
  • lseyes2brite
    Thanks guys! I should know how this is done, since I have lost 65 pounds all total. I should have had whole wheat noodles instead of tofu. I probably need some carbs. I made it through most of the day by filling up on water; will plan a better lunch tomorrow.
  • lseyes2brite
    Fit_2012, did you make the Tuscan Bean Soup, if so , can you share the recipe? :wink:
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Hey everyone! After an endlessly frustrating day at work, starting with my computer deciding not to work. It only went downhill from there! Ugh! So I had a little chocolate. But I was controlled and only had a little. And I stayed in my calorie range! So, I'm happy.

    I got in an AWESOME workout at the gym. Worked out all the frustrations of the day, and now I feel so much better. So, not a perfect day, but I managed to rectify it! My total burn for the day is INSANE! A whopping 992 calories burnt!

    I had plenty of water today, since I didn't have my shake mixer with me. So I drank all that additional water that I wouldn't normally count in my water tally. So I've got that down!

    Have you all reported in you results for the week? Tomorrow evening I'll be putting up the kudos thread!

    Speaking of recipes... I'm going to start a thread for that! Anyone feel free to drop in their favorite recipe to share with everyone! Don't forget to include the nutritional info, if you have it.
  • RedToyotaTruck
    About 400 Cal under my 1680 goal. Downed about 80 ounces of water.
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 336 Member
    WEEK 2 - MONDAY-

    Iseyes2brite- I got the soup from a whole food store. I like to have soups for lunch and keep trying different kinds the best was a moroccan red lentil soup with apricots it was delicious.

    8 glasses of water today.
    Cals- 1290 recommended went over by 3 cals.

    Ready for tomorrow.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    First off, I've gotten like 72 oz of water in today and it's only 7pm! I didn't do that at all last week! Haha.

    I think I've got like 300 cals left of my 1600. I just upped my cals today since I'm starting to lift so I'm not quite use to eating this much yet!
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    On track today despite having a "date" with my 9yr old which involved dinner at wendy's. I have discivered the side salad with the chicken from the grilled chicken with no dressing is really yummy and not too heavy!

    I was a tiny bit over before my work out but now I am about 100 cals under my 1200 goal

    tomorrow will be another challnge since I have a board meeting. It always involved a catered dinner, paninis or pizza... which means I go hungrey or go over. I'll figure it out :)
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    on and on my last bottle of water to meet that goal too! yay for us!
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    My Monday was good. :) I met my water goal, and had 100ish calories left, I'm kind of too lazy to go check, and no snacks. :P

    I've decided to add in a little extra challenge for myself this week - quit snacking. My schedule is a bit erratic these days and I've taken to snacking because I didn't take the time to plan my meals well enough. While I don't consider snacking a bad thing, it doesn't really feel natural to me. I'm a big square meal girl and thus a snack always leaves me dissatisfied because I feel like it's not enough food and I always want more, but I can't have more so I get all grumpy and whatever.

    So, aside from keeping under my calories, I'm going to plan my meals better and remove the need for snacks as well.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    Monday was good water wise and mostly food wise. I ended up going over about 150 cals after I closed my diary. Lame!
  • leigh_chapman
    leigh_chapman Posts: 34 Member
    Can't believe I stayed w/in calorie goals yesterday! I had a small portion of a T-bone with my husband for dinner and some rice and beans....and even a couple of beers; I thought I was done for. But I think my earlier meals were just smart enough to leave me the wiggle room for dinner. 34 calories to spare. It will be a miracle if I can keep that up!! Water and workout done for today. But I'm entering a danger zone with no meals planned for tonight. I have a Board meeting, too, and that always means tough choices.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Hey everyone! Having another blah day, but better than yesterday, since my computer is working again! Yay!

    I did pretty good food wise. If it weren't for the insane amount of exercise I did, I would have been over my calories for the day! But only by ~150. I'll call that a success!

    It's great to see people doing well with their water too! Keep it up, you'll notice a difference in no time!
  • lseyes2brite
    I posted the oat/pumpkin butter recipe on the board for you Sabrina.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Aaaaaaand... epic fail. :(

    I wasn't over my calories, in fact I have almost 200 left, but I haven't had a proper meal today either. Insanely busy day, consisting of ALL snacks, mostly unhealthy. Just whatever 2-3 quick bites I could get my hands on in whatever spare minute I had.

    Well, tomorrow is another day.
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