How are you feeling about the program???



  • vai45
    vai45 Posts: 29
    I'm really enjoying the program, but I am also finding workouts 1 and 2 pretty easy...I'm positive it's because I jumped straight from 30 day shred to this. I'm doing the 7 day kickstart as well and it's not as bad as I thought it'd be. The yogurt is growing on me! I'm on day 4. My biggest challenge is the junk food at work and my roommate's constant baking and bringing home fast food. I'm just trying to focus by thinking about the summer and the short dresses I want to be wearing by then!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I'm feeling great. I'm proud of myself for getting through these first 2 weeks and always feel wonderful after a workout. I'm on Week 2, day 5 and am ready to move on to week 3. I absolutely HATE cardio 1 and quite honestly would rather go for a run, but I figure they were made as a program for a reason so I may as well continue on as it's meant lol

    As a side rant, like on my profile, I lost 5 lbs the first week and have watched my scale slowly creep up 3 lbs this week... 2 steps forward, 1 step back I suppose... I'm sure at the end of 12 weeks it won't matter so much. I'm exercising and eating well so I know I'm heading in the right direction, even if my body is being stubborn.

    Don't think of gaining a few pounds as steps back, I think it migh just be that you are building muscle, which I've heard weighs more than fat.

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat (I wish there was a way to send out mass messages with this info to all MFP users, once a week or something). A pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh exactly the same - one pound! The difference is, lean muscle takes up much less space than fat does. So, your body might appear a bit slimmer and your clothes might start to fit better (or you drop a pant size, etc.) but for some reason you weigh the same. Why? Because you've burnt off fat - which takes up more space, and built muscle, which isn't so bulky. Hope that makes sense. :)
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    I've been wondering if this is a lifestyle I'm going to be able to continue. I mean, from no exercise to 6-days a week is rather drastic and am I going to be able to keep it up? I hope it makes me feel so great that quitting is never an option, or maybe I have two or three days of rest. I do have a lot more energy and the dog is benefiting from some walks, so it's all good.