1 Month of Armour

0AmyMarie0 Posts: 315
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
1 month on Armour now, I've noticed an intense difference in every aspect of my life.

Back in November, I had my antidepressants doubled, no improvement in my depression or anxiety though as a result. 1 month on Armour (still taking my lexapro) and my depression is gone. Anxiety is still present, but not to the extreme it was before.

I have lost 7 of the 39 lbs I gained due too hypothyroid.

I am no longer taking naps during the day, I was up to 3 naps a day for a while along with 9-10 hours of sleep a night. I'm still totally exhausted if I go too many days under 8 hours of sleep, but one night of catchup and I'm back to it.

I am working out several times a week. Walking 2 blocks used to be so tiresome, now 3 miles at a 5 mph pace doesn't even make me sore anymore. In fact, if I can get a good knee brace, I might start jogging.

So far...my menstrual cycle appears to be normal...that will take more time to tell for sure though.

I'm FAR less irritable and able to spend time playing with my kids without getting snappy or cranky.

Some not so good things...

My hands and feet are still ice, though it must be getting better, because I occasionally have "hot flashes" in my feet.
My hair is still falling out like crazy.
My skin is still dry and itchy, but the end of winter might help that out a bit more.
I'm still very constipated. I just started an alfalfa supplement hoping that will help, no fiber has helped, no water increase has helped, even the occasional desperate attempt at laxatives has not helped.

My depression lifting has giving me a much better attitude and the ability to tackle this though. I have motivation and goals again, I enjoy my hobbies again that I haven't had the energy to even think about in so long.

I have a blood draw tomorrow to see where my levels are at. Right now I think the 30 mg is doing great for me though :)


  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I have been 6 weeks on Armour -- but a very low dose 30mg -- and my TSH is now very high, my antibodies are high and my T4/T3 is almost non-existent. Feel like crapola... but - my hair is not falling out!! YAY!! I'm taking Black Currant Oil - not sure if that's why or not.
    Stil cold, tired and grumpy. He has to keep me on a low dose for as long as I can stand it, so that my system will purge the Reverse T3... but he told me I could go up on my dose when I want to if I am feeling too hypo. Trying to stick it out.

    30 mg is very low --not sure what dose of synthetic T4 you were on, but I think I will end up on 90-150mg of Armour before I'm done. It's just good to go up in increments of 30.
  • Just wanted to say that I am on 30mg of armour - that was my starting dosage and there was no reason after everything stabilized to ramp it up.

    I realize everyone is different and needs to find a level that sustains their thyroid health without risk. I believe armour is prescribed in mg or "grains" and the increment is 15.

    Edited to add that I think my hair loss at the time was a combination of hypothyroid with the double whammy of perimenopause. At the time, it was hard to know just what was causing the symptoms - but it did get better!
  • I wasn't on synthetic T4 ever before, I was just diagnosed hypothyroid in January and my dr gave me the option to start synthroid or armour. After research, I chose armour, glad I did :)
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member

    Thanks a million for posting,
    I'm just over two week on NDT and have had some minor improvements in my symptoms. Week one i started on 60mg, then week two increased to 90mg, next increase hopefully this Saturday to 120mg, i am splitting the dose, main one at bed time, then at midday.

    I was on T4 meds for 10 years, Eltroxin 100mg 5 days & 150mg 4 days per week.
    From what i have been reading this has led to the deterioration of my health.
    I have all but given up on the medical profession and am self medicating at this time with the help of www.stopthethyroidmadness.com, Dr. peatfields book & Dr Amen book.

    * first thing I'm not so cold, morning temp has gone from an average of 36.1c to 36.5c i actually had to turn down the central heating last night.
    * by week two the need for nap after work was gone.
    * blurred vision gone.
    * energy levels have improved but not to a point to push me beyond basic activity. so still no housework, shopping, exercise. I have been able to prepare some meals in the last week.

    still waiting.....For the brain fog to lift,
    still very weepy and over emotional
    one bout of blind rage in the last two weeks, so that's an improvement on constantly being aggressive.

    I live in hope of regaining the happy, joyful, glass half full type of person that i once was.
    I hate this version of me, antisocial, moody, tired, glass half empty approach to life. I fear that my facial muscles have lost the memory of how to smile.

    Oh yeah it would be a bonus to lose the 40lbs that i have gained due to this rotten disease.

    Good luck to us all on this journey to better health.

  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    So happy to hear you got Armour!! Yay! So Ireland isn't hopeless???

  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    So happy to hear you got Armour!! Yay! So Ireland isn't hopeless???


    Hi Terry,
    I used one of the on-line labs from STTM, brand name "thiroyd" from Thailand i got a good laugh when it arrived as the customs declaration said contents "3 saucers"
    Going to see a Prof. next Monday (I hope) I sent him an email letting him know that I was self medicating with NDT, so I could get a rejection.
    you seem to be doing OK with your naturopath.

  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    So happy to hear you got Armour!! Yay! So Ireland isn't hopeless???


    Hi Terry,
    I used one of the on-line labs from STTM, brand name "thiroyd" from Thailand i got a good laugh when it arrived as the customs declaration said contents "3 saucers"
    Going to see a Prof. next Monday (I hope) I sent him an email letting him know that I was self medicating with NDT, so I could get a rejection.
    you seem to be doing OK with your naturopath.


    LOL - I ordered that, too! But found a doctor that would give me Armour, so I never used it. And yes, we are making progress -- but it is slow after so many years of under-treatment with Synthroid. I will get there!!

    There a lot of people out there self-medicating and ordering their own labs. It is a sad sign of the times when patients cannot get treatment for their symptoms!

  • Linda,
    So happy to hear you got Armour!! Yay! So Ireland isn't hopeless???


    Hi Terry,
    I used one of the on-line labs from STTM, brand name "thiroyd" from Thailand i got a good laugh when it arrived as the customs declaration said contents "3 saucers"
    Going to see a Prof. next Monday (I hope) I sent him an email letting him know that I was self medicating with NDT, so I could get a rejection.
    you seem to be doing OK with your naturopath.

    There a lot of people out there self-medicating and ordering their own labs. It is a sad sign of the times when patients cannot get treatment for their symptoms!


    I totally agree with that...so unfair that so many dr's and endocrinologists just "dont like" a product and don't educate themselves on it!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon and it works for you. If you've been sick for a long time, I imagine it might take a little longer to work for you than it did for me. I was only sick for about 18 months when my dr caught it and started the armour. Good luck!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Switching from Synthroid to Armour has really helped me out! I feel so much better most of the time. Been sluggish this week, but we're decreasing my meds to deal with the adrenal fatigue, and I'm not adjusting too well right now.
    I was on 125 mcg (.125mg) of synthroid, now I'm at 90mg of Armour. Been feeling good up to now. Still happy to have made the switch!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Well, he upped my dose to 60 mg -(30 mg 2x a day) today and already I feel more like myself! Yay!! I still have a ways to go, but at least I am on my way!!
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    I researched Armour and I intend to talk to my Dr. My next appt. is in May but have to get my Thyroid tested. Soon as I hear from him wit the results - I will bring it to his attention. I will get an earlier appt.
    He put me on Synthoid saying the Generic stuff wasn't working but I don't feel any better.
    I never heard of this Medicine. But I like what I have read.
    Thanks to All of YOU.:smile:
  • I have just switch to Armour ( JAN 2012), i feel great. I was on synthyroid for years. I am so glad i switched. i also going gluten free and seems to help.
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    I was with a Prof of Endocrinology yesterday, nice guy, but as the drug (Armour) i am taking is not licensed in Ireland he is not able or willing to monitor my progress. However he did state that i may have cealics disease, which would stop the drug (Eltroxin) i was taking from being absorbed.will do blood test to is if i'm cealic followed by a biopsy of the stomach lining. in the mean time i'm going to cut out gluten and see where that gets me.

    You will love this he said "Armour will shorten your life by 3 years" " no fact based research to prove it is move effective than Eltroxin" " no evidence that a combo T3 & T4 treatment is effective"

    So there you have it i am at the end of the road with the medical profession in Ireland, no one will prescribe Armour as it is not licensed by the health board.

    So i really don't know what to do, i like feeling a bit better with Armour, but am not rebel enough to keep self treating and lie to my doctor.
    Just a bit frightened that if i need help i will not get it and any other illness i might get will be put down to the illegal drug you have been taking.

    Thanks for all the wonderful support and information you guys share.
    I'm going to have a long hard think about what to do so any pointers would be gratefully appreciated.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I was with a Prof of Endocrinology yesterday, nice guy, but as the drug (Armour) i am taking is not licensed in Ireland he is not able or willing to monitor my progress. However he did state that i may have cealics disease, which would stop the drug (Eltroxin) i was taking from being absorbed.will do blood test to is if i'm cealic followed by a biopsy of the stomach lining. in the mean time i'm going to cut out gluten and see where that gets me.

    You will love this he said "Armour will shorten your life by 3 years" " no fact based research to prove it is move effective than Eltroxin" " no evidence that a combo T3 & T4 treatment is effective"

    So there you have it i am at the end of the road with the medical profession in Ireland, no one will prescribe Armour as it is not licensed by the health board.

    So i really don't know what to do, i like feeling a bit better with Armour, but am not rebel enough to keep self treating and lie to my doctor.
    Just a bit frightened that if i need help i will not get it and any other illness i might get will be put down to the illegal drug you have been taking.

    Thanks for all the wonderful support and information you guys share.
    I'm going to have a long hard think about what to do so any pointers would be gratefully appreciated.

    Oh no - that is so sad!! Are you on Facebook? Did you join the Stop The Thyroid Madness GROUP? If you can do that and ask them for support or advice from anyone in Ireland, they will be the ones to help you. I agree -- self-medicating is one thing, but self-medicating with no doctor at all to back you up is quite another.

    It's relatively common for hypo/hashi people to develop Celiac -- I definitely recommend going off gluten -- it's difficult if you love sandwiches, etc. And gluten is sometime hidden in the funniest places like salad dressing!! So, if you aren't already, become a label-reader and make sure no gluten or soy is hidden in the ingredients!

    Send me a PM if you need to!
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    I was with a Prof of Endocrinology yesterday,

    Oh no - that is so sad!! Are you on Facebook? Did you join the Stop The Thyroid Madness GROUP? If you can do that and ask them for support or advice from anyone in Ireland, they will be the ones to help you. I agree -- self-medicating is one thing, but self-medicating with no doctor at all to back you up is quite another.

    It's relatively common for hypo/hashi people to develop Celiac -- I definitely recommend going off gluten -- it's difficult if you love sandwiches, etc. And gluten is sometime hidden in the funniest places like salad dressing!! So, if you aren't already, become a label-reader and make sure no gluten or soy is hidden in the ingredients!

    Send me a PM if you need to!

    Thanks Terri,
    Yes i'm quite active on the STTM facebook, lots of very experience peeps there. I am going to give the gluten free a go, start eating Primal/paleo again. Feeling at about 60% which is not bad as 3 week ago before NDT i was at 20%, and last week in December 11 i was minus 50%. also i have not had a headache since starting NDT, they were a daily feature for years.

    so at least now i am getting into the frame of mind to fight back, and i have the energy to do it.
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    I just started taking Armour. My Dr. prescribed me 90 MG. So far so good. I was surprised he did it so quickly.
    Hope it works!!!! I was on Synthroid and I felt terrible.
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    I just started taking Armour. My Dr. prescribed me 90 MG. So far so good. I was surprised he did it so quickly.
    Hope it works!!!! I was on Synthroid and I felt terrible.:smile:

    Sorry double POST!!! Something went wrong with Website!!!
  • 0AmyMarie0
    0AmyMarie0 Posts: 315
    Yay Shirlann! I was surprised it worked so quickly too! I'm getting close to 6 weeks though and I think I need a bump in my dosage. I have a blood draw on Monday and we'll see where things are at. I just kind of dropped off suddenly and I've read that usually means you need your armour upped, apparently most people do in the first 2-6 weeks. I also started at only 30mg though because I had never been on any thyroid meds before.
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    I had so much energy after Dinner that I was on my Wii for over an hour. Haven't had that kind of energy in weeks. I felt like I did months ago-but I was on Synthroid. All of a sudden it stopped working.
    I'm hoping Armour is my answer to my lack of energy or I should say lack of everything.:smile:
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I had so much energy after Dinner that I was on my Wii for over an hour. Haven't had that kind of energy in weeks. I felt like I did months ago-but I was on Synthroid. All of a sudden it stopped working.
    I'm hoping Armour is my answer to my lack of energy or I should say lack of everything.:smile:
    That is so awesome! It took me a while, but I am turning the corner in transitioning from Synthroid to Armour -- I am feeling really good the past few days.

    A few supplements might be needed also: B-12/Folate, D3, Vitamin C as examples. Make sure your supplements are natural - maybe your doctor can recommend brands. Also, Niacin and Magnesium.... I love Natural Calm as my source of Magnesium - it makes an orange flavored fizzy drink and really helps with sleeping and constipation. I also take Melatonin at night.
  • 0AmyMarie0
    0AmyMarie0 Posts: 315
    I take a lot of supplements

    Adrenal support, vit c, flax oil, fish oil, vit d, b12, b complex, magnesium, cranberry complex, and calcium. Quality really does matter!!

    I also take a sublingual version of vitamin b12 to get an instant burst of energy when needed, usually before working out.
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    Guess I have to go shopping for my Supplements-Thanks for the info.
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Girls i'm too lazy to retype,
    This i hope shall give you a sense of how far i have come in the last month. These are from my posts on STTMFB,

    On the 11 feb this is part of my response to a post by lynnSue Zee: so emotional, i cannot explain any better then the OP what this illness has robbed from my life. i am crying here after being at a soccer match with my 8yo son, i did not have the strength or energy to stand on the side line and cheer him on, so sat out of view in the car to nap. the other moms must think i am a right stuck up b*tch as i cannot even interact on any social so just keep myself to my self.

    .........Well yesterday 10 march, i drove to and from an away match almost an hour each way, i stood watched and cheered on the sideline,chatted freely with the other moms. Then took my kids to a diner for lunch, caught myself singing along to the background music, when we got home i even managed some long over due housework, this Armour rocks, I'm on it a full month now just reached 3 grains, no problems so far, just wish i had the support of a doctor.

    I am going to hold at 3 grains for the next 4 weeks, then get bloods done, see were the thyroid is ,check for coeliacs disease.
    Not quite sure what will happen next...... watch this space.....

    Supplements seem to play an important role in our well-being.
    I currently take
    Floradix for boosting very low ferritin level
    selenium helps fight antibodies
    Vit B complex to help boost energy levels

    good luck
  • Farfelue
    Farfelue Posts: 63
    mnjjsmom soooo happy to read your very positive news!
    Do post your results from blood test when you have them.

    Really happy to read your post!

  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Girls i'm too lazy to retype,
    This i hope shall give you a sense of how far i have come in the last month. These are from my posts on STTMFB,

    On the 11 feb this is part of my response to a post by lynnSue Zee: so emotional, i cannot explain any better then the OP what this illness has robbed from my life. i am crying here after being at a soccer match with my 8yo son, i did not have the strength or energy to stand on the side line and cheer him on, so sat out of view in the car to nap. the other moms must think i am a right stuck up b*tch as i cannot even interact on any social so just keep myself to my self.

    .........Well yesterday 10 march, i drove to and from an away match almost an hour each way, i stood watched and cheered on the sideline,chatted freely with the other moms. Then took my kids to a diner for lunch, caught myself singing along to the background music, when we got home i even managed some long over due housework, this Armour rocks, I'm on it a full month now just reached 3 grains, no problems so far, just wish i had the support of a doctor.

    I am going to hold at 3 grains for the next 4 weeks, then get bloods done, see were the thyroid is ,check for coeliacs disease.
    Not quite sure what will happen next...... watch this space.....

    Supplements seem to play an important role in our well-being.
    I currently take
    Floradix for boosting very low ferritin level
    selenium helps fight antibodies
    Vit B complex to help boost energy levels

    good luck

    AWESOME!!! AWESOME!! You are so brave and I am so glad it's working out for you!!
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