Addicted to More

I know that I'm addicted to more. If a little is good, a lot must be better. Food binges, drinking binges, shopping binges, even cleaning binges are all a part of my history.


  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    I certainly have had this kind of addiction in other areas of my life; never drugs or really alcohol (though I have stopped drinking during the week to cut down on caloric intake), but definitely spending money. It was like a drug. And now I seem to be back into food. I wish there a way to make this go away. I think I'm headed down the road to professional help again, though...
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I was just looking at the older posts and saw this one...OMG I am SO addicted to more. It pretty much doesn't matter what it is. I'm an addict and can get addicted to anything that makes me feel good. Yup, if one is good, more is better! That's what my brain tells me. Ugh.

    I really hate it but it is what it is....sigh.

    I'm glad we have each other for support. Thanks for being here. Happy Friday, my friends. :smile:
  • Unfortunately I am the same way. If one cookie is good 10 will be amazing. I piece of cornbread with honey = the whole pan. I am trying to take baby steps and take it one meal at a time. I do great when I am at work. I get home and have to make dinner for the family and then I start to get the urges. I don't know if any of you have ever done this but last night I found myself eating a handful of chocolate chips....chew....realized what I was doing and spit them out.

    This is so hard but I am SO glad I have you all!!:sad:
  • sncmaddie
    sncmaddie Posts: 37 Member
    I agree with everything that has been said on this thread! I struggle with this with eating, shopping, and internet usage. I love how we have this group to support each other!