shooting to be 228lbs March 31

Hello, I'm new to the group - shooting to lose 4lbs, and get to 228 by March 31. Wish me luck!!


  • WorkoutMaine
    Good luck on the loss :) I have been using cinnamon tabs to help me and they seem to work well plus they are cheap. Also every time I burp it tastes like apple pie lol. Maybe this will help.
  • gettinghealthy77
    gettinghealthy77 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks - I'll look into some cinnamon tablets - sounds like a good idea.
  • gettinghealthy77
    gettinghealthy77 Posts: 16 Member
    I went grocery shopping, but forgot to pick cinnamon tablets up. Do most groceries stock them, or do you have to go to a pharmacy or health food store?
  • WorkoutMaine
    I got mine from Walmart because they have them in the 2 pack for cheap.
  • gettinghealthy77
    gettinghealthy77 Posts: 16 Member
    Have added cinnamon tablets to my diet :)