Vegan is disordered eating?



  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I don't feel a vegan diet falls under a disorder at all, in my mind a vegan diet is an excellent diet if done correctly. I heard on the radio about the newer disorders so I looked them up. Google it baby. Just because it isn't on DSM-5 YET doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  • LucybellMocha
    I've taken several psychology classes (no degree), and your friend sounds like she is employing a "defense mechanism". Possibly, she feels convicted by you eating the right way, and if she can make an "educated" justification to support eating poorly, then she doesn't have to feel guilty for not changing his/her way of eating. Its re-focusing the blame to you!

    That being said, ANYTHING can be taken to extremes and made into a psychological disorder. There probably are over-the-top vegans out there, but I don't think that is the norm. I think I recall there being a "new" addition to psychology, where eliminating food groups is now considered a psychological issue. However, psychiatry/psychology does NOT hold water and has lost their integrity in my opinion, because about 6 or 7 years ago, they said that pedophelia wasn't a psychological problem, unless the pedophile felt "guilty"! (Anyone else recall this?) Gimme a break! How insulting to anyone who was ever abused...
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Thanks, baby! But I know what orthorexia is, but I'm not aware of it being accepted yet as an actual medical disorder. I know what Tanorexia and Fatorexia are but don't know that I would consider them actual afflictions just yet. I'm also not saying they aren't, which is why I asked you-I was interested because I've been wondering if Orthorexia would be included in the DSM. I just know that when I followed your google advice, the first thing that came up re orthorexia said "Non-medically recognized." (Which I know was also in the definition you posted.) There are also other eating disorders that are proposed that can't yet be considered established eating disorders due to not being in the DSM yet, such as Purging Disorder. Currently something such as orthorexia (which I believe was "discovered" in the 1990's so not really new) would be classified as EDNOS.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    There are actually two new eating disorders (definitions from wikipedia)

    This is the one you guys are talking about
    Orthorexia nervosa (also known as orthorexia) is a non-medically recognized term[a] first used by Steven Bratman to characterize people who develop an obsession with avoiding foods perceived to be unhealthy.[1][2] Orthorexia nervosa is believed to be a mental disorder


    This one is basically adult picky eaters
    Selective eating disorder (SED) (also known as perseverative feeding disorder) is an eating disorder that prevents the consumption of certain foods. It is often viewed as a phase of childhood that is generally overcome with age. Children may not grow out of the disorder, however, and may continue to be afflicted with SED throughout their adult lives.

    WHEW! the food I avoid isn't perceived to be unhealthy, it actually is! Saved by the China Study! LOL!
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 195 Member
    You definitely do not have an eating disorder. The decision you've made to become Vegan should never be explained, defended or questioned. You have made a personal choice that no profession, friend or whomever should ever question. All that came out of your friends mouth was fear...When I turned vegan I sure had my naysayers...and at the beginning I was always defending, finding facts to back up my decision....and that pissed me off. So now if anyone wants to challenge me I simply say with the sweetest voice....You have your concerns however....I choose not to shed any blood to feed myself and my family....done! Yes I know initially it sounds harsh...but the audacity for people to question what I put in my mouth floors me...I'm a grown *kitten* woman. So never you mind about an eating are fine and bless your heart!
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    You definitely do not have an eating disorder. The decision you've made to become Vegan should never be explained, defended or questioned. You have made a personal choice that no profession, friend or whomever should ever question. All that came out of your friends mouth was fear...When I turned vegan I sure had my naysayers...and at the beginning I was always defending, finding facts to back up my decision....and that pissed me off. So now if anyone wants to challenge me I simply say with the sweetest voice....You have your concerns however....I choose not to shed any blood to feed myself and my family....done! Yes I know initially it sounds harsh...but the audacity for people to question what I put in my mouth floors me...I'm a grown *kitten* woman. So never you mind about an eating are fine and bless your heart!

    I love you, well put.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Thanks, baby! But I know what orthorexia is, but I'm not aware of it being accepted yet as an actual medical disorder. I know what Tanorexia and Fatorexia are but don't know that I would consider them actual afflictions just yet. I'm also not saying they aren't, which is why I asked you-I was interested because I've been wondering if Orthorexia would be included in the DSM. I just know that when I followed your google advice, the first thing that came up re orthorexia said "Non-medically recognized." (Which I know was also in the definition you posted.) There are also other eating disorders that are proposed that can't yet be considered established eating disorders due to not being in the DSM yet, such as Purging Disorder. Currently something such as orthorexia (which I believe was "discovered" in the 1990's so not really new) would be classified as EDNOS.

    I was giving her the definition of the one she was talking about. I could really care less if they are medically accepted or not, that crap changes on a day to day anyway. You want to know about it like that do your own research
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I've done my own research, thought you might have info I didn't have when you brought up that there were two new eating disorders, and was again interested in what you knew. But I'd hate to see this topic even more derailed for the people who want to read it, so I'm sitting out the rest of this thread. Peace!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I've heard variations such as "vegan is too extreme...those extreme diets are unhealthy" etc and other similar things from the "I'm going to keep eating what i've been eating for 30 years and continue to complain about why i'm overweight and my health is poor" crowd, but I generally ignore them. The whole "eating disorder" accusation is new to me!

    One of my favorite little quotes (I think it was in the movie forks over knives) was that many people consider eliminating animals products from the diet "too extreme" but some would consider getting your chest cut open, your rib cage separated, having a vein from your leg removed and sewn onto your heart pretty extreme. :laugh:
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    It's just the latest popular slam against vegans. I've run into it in a number of forums. I'm assuming it's a meme being propagated by the paleo/primal/Atkins diet industry. Ignore it, or fight back, but never accept it.
  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 219 Member
    I'm a mental health professional and a vegan. Eating a vegan diet is not a sign of disorder, but people with disordered eating can use a vegan diet to further their disorders.

    ^^Me too!!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    No it's not an eating disorder. Sounds like that person needs to go back to school. I'm a class away from my masters so I can tell you that veganism is not a disorder and not thought of as one by the general mental healthcare community. A disorder becomes a problem when it becomes detrimental to your way of life. There are only two major eating disorders. Then there is Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified and this includes people that have obsessions with food that harm them or their way of life. Veganism, if anything improves your way of life for most people. These disorders may be further broken down in the next edition but I don't see veganism being counted as one.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    As I posted in another thread, it's funny that when people talk about "otherexia" or some other made up eating disorder they always point at vegans. No one gives a second thought to low-carbers we eating nothing but meat, dairy, and eggs. I know one guy who wouldn't even suck on a breath mint because it had "a carb," just one.

    And people think vegans have disordered eating.

    /rolls eyes