Feeling sooo tired

hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member
I'm pretty sure I need some labs again and some meds switched around. I am sooo tired here lately, and my period has been wacky for about three months (which it was normally pretty reg), and I can only lose about 5 pounds and that's it.

I have done some research and came across the Armour med, is anyone else on this? I'd like some first hand experiences before I bring this up as a possibility to my doctor.


  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    What are you currently taking again??? You should definitely get your labs done.

    Aaron1978 is on Armour. I'm on the synthetic version of it: Cytomel. I'm telling you - it changed my LIFE.
  • hisgirl86
    hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm taking a pretty high dosage of Synthroid-- 300mcg a day.
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    I was also on 300 mcg a day, but then I found a physician who treated my whole thyroid function (T3 and T4) and I'm on 125 mcg a day + the cytomel. Much better results. If your doctor is not willing to pursue multiple thyroid function tests and combo meds (and a lot of them aren't), I encourage you to look for another one who will. This is the only way I am able to feel human and actually start losing weight to become healthy.