week 1 1st-7th

tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
hey all so yestarday i managed 2.6 miles how did you all get on im aiming for 3-5 today x


  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    2.6 thats awesome!!

    I did .78 miles on the treadmill...lol...but then I did 5.6 miles on the bike!
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Just so I can clarify real quick, is this total miles done (to include just day to day walking) or is it specifically exercise miles (bike, treadmill, elliptical, etc)?
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    exersize miles so walking the dog or just out for a walk also counts. x
  • KarenRae66
    KarenRae66 Posts: 31 Member
    Yesterday and today I did 2.5 each day..I am hoping to bump it up to 5 miles a day by the end of two weeks
  • KarenRae66
    KarenRae66 Posts: 31 Member
    I am near the end of my first week on myfitnesspal..question..how do I get the cute little tracker thing I see under your profiles and names?? I looked around and cant find it..
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Yesterday I ran 4.5 miles at 6.7 (9 min miles), I usually run 10 min. but I decided to step it up and it was awesome! I also did the elliptical but I'm only going to count running miles. Today I plan to do 5 miles. I'm so happy to have this group! This is awesome-thanks T!!!:love:
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    I walk to work daily, average of 3km to-and-fro... that's about 1.86 miles.

    Intending to check out a new trail in a park tomorrow, so guess that will add another 3-4km :smile:
  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    thursday i ran 3.5km, friday 6.5km... today is rest day.. thanks so much for making this group :)

    cant wait to run again :)
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    1st- 2.6 miles(walking)
    2nd- 2.8 miles(running)
    3rd- 10miles (cross trainer =walking)
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Does the elliptical count?
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    15.27 miles so far for me :)
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Thursday: ran 4.5 miles
    elliptical 6 miles

    Friday: ran 3 miles
    elliptical 3 miles

    Saturday: ran 4 miles
    walked 1 mile
    elliptical 4 miles

    Total: 25.5 miles :wink:

    I'm training to run a 1/2 marathon in may....:smile:
  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    Wow, toni, ang and rich you are doing great!!! i am soo impressed by the number of miles!

    I am training for a 10K run in april. Ang, I would like to do a 1/2 later in the year. Any tips?

    Waiting for hubby to get home so I can go for a run.
  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    3.3km run/ walk with friend, followed by a 3.6km run.

    total 17km for month
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I am near the end of my first week on myfitnesspal..question..how do I get the cute little tracker thing I see under your profiles and names?? I looked around and cant find it..

    Well first you need to click on Tools and make one. Then click back on Community followed by Settings where it says "Home, Recent Posts, My Topics, Settings and Search" and should be the only option there to make it appear on your forums posts.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Oh and I'm apparently off to a slow start thanks to my knees which are killing me. I did 2.75 miles on Friday the 2nd.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    2.11 miles in my spin class tonight. Although I'm not entirely sure how accurate that is since it's a spin class and therefore there's no distance tracker on the bike but that's what the Nike+ pedometer function of my iPod nano told me I did so that's what I'm sticking with.
  • KarenRae66
    KarenRae66 Posts: 31 Member
    I did 2.5 Thursday and Friday...
    Sat I walked around Paris for 12 hours..so I am going to say around 10 miles..
    I am excited to start a new week...

  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Wow, toni, ang and rich you are doing great!!! i am soo impressed by the number of miles!

    I am training for a 10K run in april. Ang, I would like to do a 1/2 later in the year. Any tips?

    Waiting for hubby to get home so I can go for a run.

    I can give you a few tips, but believe me I'm no expert, first and foremost go and get fitted for the right shoes for you feet! I kept getting shin splints before I went to Fleet Feet and after I got shoes (which has been at least 6 months), I haven't had them since! Good shoes are so important!! Also, stay hydrated-also very important; if you are running a long race fuel up along the way, its important to keep your blood sugar at an even level, there are gels, shot blocks, I heard even jelly beans do the trick. And finally, start out slow, don't go all out at the beginning or you won't have the energy to finish. I will probably have more tips after running the actual race!
    Hope this helps!
  • KarenRae66
    KarenRae66 Posts: 31 Member
    Have a great week everyone!! :flowerforyou: