week 1 1st-7th



  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    :: Update ::

    Thu 01/03 - daily commute 3km
    Fri 02/03 - daily communte 3km
    Sat 03/03 - walk in park (tracked with RunKeeper) 3.47km

    Goal: 50km
    Total: 9.47km
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    1st- 2.6 miles(walking)
    2nd- 2.8 miles(running)
    3rd- 10miles (cross trainer =walking)
    4th- 14miles (spinning class-the bike said 24km )

    you are all doing amazing. angeib i think u may hit 70 by next week lol
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Thursday: ran 4.5 miles
    elliptical 6 miles

    Friday: ran 3 miles
    elliptical 3 miles

    Saturday: ran 4 miles
    walked 1 mile
    elliptical 4 miles

    Sunday: ran 5 miles
    walked 1 mile
    elliptical 3 miles

    Total: 34.5 miles :heart:
  • hart1tm
    hart1tm Posts: 20
    I did an interval workout today, which consisted of running and walking for a total of 2.5mi.
  • wakeywildcat
    wakeywildcat Posts: 43 Member
    Thur - 1st 5.68 Miles
    Fri - 2nd 1.98 Miles
    Sun - 4th 3.67 Miles
    Mon - 5th 5.67 Miles

    No walk Sat my granddaughter born.
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    :: Update ::

    Thu 01/03 - daily commute 3km
    Fri 02/03 - daily communte 3km
    Sat 03/03 - walk in park (tracked with RunKeeper) 3.47km
    Sun 04/03 - nothing

    Mon 05/03 - daily commute 3km

    Goal: 50km
    Total: 12.47km
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    1.33 miles on the treadmill today.
  • hart1tm
    hart1tm Posts: 20
    jogged around 3.3mi today
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    :: Update ::

    Thu 01/03 - daily commute 3km
    Fri 02/03 - daily communte 3km
    Sat 03/03 - walk in park (tracked with RunKeeper) 3.47km
    Sun 04/03 - nothing
    Mon 05/03 - daily commute 3km
    Tues 05/03 - daily commute 3km

    Goal: 50km
    Total: 15.47km
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    2.52 walking
    6.05 cycling

    Total for the first week (according to my pedometer which includes my walk to and from school and not just my exercise miles specifically) = 20.19 miles

    Perhaps I need to readjust my monthly goals...or else just include strictly exercise and not walking that I have to do everyday.
  • wakeywildcat
    wakeywildcat Posts: 43 Member
    Thur - 1st 5.68 Miles
    Fri - 2nd 1.98 Miles
    Sun - 4th 3.67 Miles
    Mon - 5th 5.67 Miles
    Tue - 6th 5.58 Miles
    Wed - 7th 4.08 Miles

    All walking
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    :: Update ::

    Thu 01/03 - daily commute 3km
    Fri 02/03 - daily communte 3km
    Sat 03/03 - walk in park (tracked with RunKeeper) 3.47km
    Sun 04/03 - nothing
    Mon 05/03 - daily commute 3km
    Tues 05/03 - daily commute 3km
    Wed 06/03 - daily commute 3km

    Goal: 50km
    Total: 18.47km
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    1st- 2.6 miles(walking)
    2nd- 2.8 miles(running)
    3rd- 10miles (cross trainer =walking)
    4th- 14miles (spinning class-the bike said 24km )
    5th - 3 miles (dog walking)
    6th - nothing (funeral)
    7th - nothing (bad head)

    so total for week one = 32.4 miles :bigsmile:
  • hailz840
    hailz840 Posts: 136 Member
    5km run last night, 22km for the month so far. gettting sick now so will be having a few more days off :( luckily there are lots of days in march
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    Total on Sunday: 34.5 miles

    Monday: Elliptical 6 miles

    Wednesday: ran 5.5 miles
    Elliptical 4 miles

    Thursday: Elliptical 6 miles
    walked 1 mile

    Total: 53 miles
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    there is a week 2 board xx
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member

    hi all please check this out for me