Sugar analysis question

teresaramsey Posts: 14 Member
Hi everyone! I'm really interested in nutrition and find the nutritional analysis useful. Only problem i have so far is sugar levels- usually over tho usually fruit sugars. One banana is 19 grams of sugar and RdI is 24, any advice? Should I worry if it's fruit sugar?


  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    I would really like to know what that sugar RDL is based on. I'm not sure about the difference between fruit sugar and refined sugar & how the two are metabolized, especially since that seems to depend on an individual's particular relationship to insulin and/or glucose. (And I just can't seem to follow at lot of the stuff I've read about fructose & sucrose & glucose & lactose & marsidose & dosidose & little-lambsie-divey-dose. :).

    I have renamed one of my "snacks" in my food diary to "sugars & sweets" & use it to record sugar, jam, & etc. (although this still ignores any refined sugar that has snuck into things like bread or yogurt). Then I can subtract that subtotal back from my mfp overall sugar total - and then I can furrow my brow and wonder what (if anything) all those numbers mean.