Need friends to keep me going

tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
I have been on MFP for 3 moths now and doing ok. I tell my friends to join but they seem to not want too. I would like to have some friends out there to help me stay on track and keep me motivated. I went backwards about a week ago and gained 3 lbs which now i am trying to loose those 3 that i gained. :( But with trying to stay positive and keep going i know i can loose those 3 lbs again. I really don't want to gain and then try to loose again. Not fun!!! I would be supportive and positive if you would like to be my friend. :)

Hanging in there :)


  • MizAngie
    MizAngie Posts: 113 Member
    hi there, I just joined last week,,,did great for 3 days then slid back into a bad habit. I come on every day and log in no matter what and tracking my foods. Guess its my way of knowing where I need to change.
    Do you work out? I plan everyday that Im gonna go to the far I haven't...bleh
    I know my biggest problem is breads...what is your worst food enemy?
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Feel free to add me as friend. I know how you feel. I've lost over 110, kept it off for almost 2 years. Major stress - divorce - have gained 30 back. So, trying to get that off plus a little more. It is a never ending process. But..... it is so worth it!

    Until recently, I was at the gym 5 to 6 days a week. Got sick and have been fighting the flu/cold crap for almost a month. Makes it a little hard to breath! LOL

    Worst food enemy? Depends on my mood. Anything really. I'm a binge eater, so it's whatever is handy. When I'm on plan though, I don't eat a lot of bread or pasta. Just doesn't agree with me at all.