Challenge for week #6

kreiskathy Posts: 42 Member
Wow How time has flown! We are entering our 6th week of the Challenge! The Challenge will officially end on Sat. March 24th. I will start weigh -ins on that Saturday. I will have a sign up sheet in my office available after the 19th. Your challenge for this week - email me what your 4 week short term goal whether or not you were able to acheive it. If you acheived it let me know how it has impacted you. I fyou didn't , what were the obstacles that kepy you from acheiving your goal.


  • Dmickus
    Dmickus Posts: 4

    My short term goal was to NOT step on the scale for 4 wks. I HAVE MET THIS GOAL .

    I wanted to do this so that I would better focus on my physical accomplishments in a different way. I didn't want a number to control how I felt about what I accomplished, (working out 5 days in a row, running a mile etc...) I set small goals with regards to different exercises (distance, time, weights etc...) and focused on acccomplishing these goals. I also decided to just let the fit of my clothes be the sign of losing weight or inches.

    After 4 weeks, I notice that I was working harder at accomplishing the little goals that I set and was proud of myself for doing so. I didn't have a number in the back of my mind saying "It doesn't matter what you do ...." I also came to recognize that I could really judge weight loss and inches loss by the fit of my clothes. I wasn't letting a number dictate how I was going to feel about myself.

    Anyway, interesting goal. Glad I did it and will continue.

    Debbie Mickus
  • rob_v
    rob_v Posts: 270 Member
    I had 2 short term goals.
    1. was to get my butt moving at least 5 days a week. Whether it be at the gym or at home, but do something. I'm happy to say I have met this goal.
    I will say that doing it for over 40 days now - it has become part of my routine. I find myself now scheduling things around my workouts vs scheduling my workouts around other things.

    2. was to not eat after 10pm. I keep some pretty jacked up hours. I normally eat dinner around 7-8pm and don't go to bed until around 2am and am usually up by 7ish. Like clock work between 11pm and Midnight I get that snack urge. I have worked to curb this back by having a HUGE turvis of ice water w/ lemon on hand, and this has helped tremendously.
    With the exception of a very small handful of times (working until about 6am) I'm calling this goal met. The times I had to eat late, I went for either yogurt or fruit.

    Also just want to say congrats to Debbie. You have a great attitude about the scale. I think I may try that as well and just throw the damn thing out ;)
  • Kathy:

    My short term goal was to replace sweetened beverages such as sweet tea and soft drinks with water or skim milk at most meals. I happy to report that I was able to do this. It is amazing the number of empty calories saved!. In addition, the milk helps to decrease my appetite, reducing the need to snack as much between meals.

  • Dmickus
    Dmickus Posts: 4

    Great short term goal and not an easy one at that .
    It's amazing how the calories add up in what we drink.

    Keep it up.

  • BOC57
    BOC57 Posts: 44 Member
    My short term goal was to drink 6-8 glasses of water each day and to record that along with my food in my food log. I could have done a better job with this, but I'm still really pleased with results. I was pretty dedicated to the procedure early on, and continue to drink far more water then I was before I started this challenge. I also have developed an awareness around whether I'm hungry or I'm thirsty. Water first , then food if I'm still feeling hungry has helped. So though I'm not recording to the letter, I've just become busy and distracted this week, I feel that the goal setting was a huge success.
  • It's going good. My goal was to go to the gym everyday. Now i can't stop going. I need my gym fixs everyday.
  • nancyjohns
    nancyjohns Posts: 1 Member
    My short term goal was to enter my food every day on MFP. I met this goal. I didn't miss a day until this week when I was on vacation. It's been really helpful to learn more about the foods I am eating. It's also motivated me to try a couple of new recipes.