New Group

cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
I would like to invite all those who are following the Zone Diet to join this new group.

Even if you are not specifically following the Zone, but are trying to make smart carb choices, follow a similar 40-30-30 plan, follow some sort of carbohydrate restriction, this group is for you!

Even if diet types clash, I think we are all facing similar problems, trying to live in a world that is filled with unfavorable carbohydrate choices.

Please consider joining in this group!


  • mnsesq
    mnsesq Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I have been periodically zoning since 2005. I follow the classic Zone. When I actually follow it exactly, weight just falls off! I'm now settling into middle age and dropped about 30 pounds in the last year or so (still not getting to goal)...then I got lazy and ate all the carbs in sight...back up a few. My daughter told me about this site. Hopefully it will keep me honest. I noticed some changes in Dr. Sear's recommendations from his first renditions of the diet. He know subtracts fiber from the carb count to determine the net carbs of the food. What are you all doing? Is anyone taking fish oil? What has your experience been?
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I follow the Classic Zone, and like you said, I have good results when I follow it exactly. I tried about 6 years ago and had good results, although didn't make it to my goal weight. Then, I think the frustration of plateauing kind of threw me off track and I slowly gained much of what I lost back. MFP is a great tool to keep me honest and count those calories that I would have normally "written off" because I felt that if I wasn't eating too many carbs, that I should be more successful. However, I was wrong, every calorie counts! I give myself some calorie credit in terms of fiber (just a mental adjustment, like if I go over my calorie goal because I had a lot of fiber).

    I do take fish oil. I used to take the Zone Labs brand, but now I am taking a different (less expensive) brand.
  • April0010
    April0010 Posts: 178 Member
    Hey all! New to the group. Just bought the Zone book yesterday and ready to dig in. :)
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member

    Which book did you buy? I have quite a few of them, my favorite is MASTERING THE ZONE.
  • Kathy119
    Kathy119 Posts: 1
    Hello! Just joined- I started The Zone last week. Had a great first week and lost 2lbs after being at a plateau for months following a low fat diet. I'm still learning and am following strictly. However, I notice that even though I'm eating the right number of blocks and am doing it with favorable carbs and fresh foods, my calories on MFP are over my allowance. Not too worried since I was eating at allowance for months with no change, but am confused as to why this would be. I'm having 9 blocks as per the Mastering the Zone calculations, yet this regularly comes out at around 1250 calories. When reading the book and reading other message boards, people are saying that the Zone has their calories lower than this. Also my fat seems high. Again, I'm doing it with good fats and only adding blocks as prescribed. Also am using low fat or fat free proteins, Am I doing something wrong?
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I do have a couple of thoughts on that.

    If you are using the block system, each complete zone block will give you approximately 100 calories (maybe a bit less). However, in reality, foods contain smaller amounts of other nutrients that are not counted in the Zone. A good example would be something like spinach--who knew it has so much protein in it?!? Another thing is that the fiber calories are counted here, but in the Zone, the fiber is subtracted from the carbs for a net carb intake.

    I am wondering if you are calculating your blocks correctly? I think that the general recommendation is not to go lower than 11 blocks per day.

    I have been doing 11 blocks per day and it generally gives me 1200 calories.

    If you want, you can post a few examples of what you are eating, just to see how things are balanced.... or open up your journal permission so that it can be viewed.

    Either way, WELCOME!
  • April0010
    April0010 Posts: 178 Member

    Which book did you buy? I have quite a few of them, my favorite is MASTERING THE ZONE.

    I bought Mastering the Zone, A week in the Zone, and a couple of food/recipe books. I haven't purchased the original Zone Diet book, but I'm hoping I have all that I need to move forward.
  • sara0143
    sara0143 Posts: 21
    Hello I've been on mfp for several weeks without much success today my Dr recommended the Zone diet, I picked up the book Enter the Zone. I will start reading it tonight. I've been struggling with loosing and gaining 30 lbs for along time. The loosing has got a lot harder since I turned 40. Any advice for a Zone newby will be appreciated.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    Would be glad to help with any questions.

    That book is one of the first, I think that Barry Sears did a better job in explaining things in MASTERING THE ZONE and A WEEK IN THE ZONE. The website has really good info. Get focused in on eating lots of veggies, some fruit, lean protein, and healthy fats.
  • sara0143
    sara0143 Posts: 21
    Thanks, that was the only book they had at the book store, I read enough in the book for it to be confusing, I'll continue on and check out the website.
  • cranberrycat
    cranberrycat Posts: 233 Member
    I think that was my problem with the book (I read it AFTER reading some of the others), I felt that it was kind of scattered, didn't really hold my attention very well, etc. The other books do a really good job of explaining it.

    Basically, several ways to approach it, but all of it is going to be based on using the "favorable" foods in the Zone. Lots of veggies, some fruit, lean proteins, monounsaturated fat. You can count Zone blocks, but if you are not into doing it that way, then just place a protein the size/thickness of the palm of your hand on your plate, and then surround it with veggies and add a dash of fat.

    If you need further help, just let me know.
  • sara0143
    sara0143 Posts: 21
    I've ordered Mastering and a week in the Zone. Thanks for the recommendation. Enter the Zone has been scattered as you said, I'm going to finish reading it, even though I'm skimming over parts of it. The Zone concept seems like it will work, I'm going to try to use the blocks.
    It is time to lose weight and get healthy.
  • prattep
    prattep Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for starting this group! I have been looking for some sort of zone/MFP connection. I have been on the zone diet for about a month and have never felt better! I read Enter the Zone. I understand why many people find it confusing and scattered. My mom has his other books, so I plan to read those as well. Fortunately, the website has just about all you need to get by without the books.

    The one thing that seemed to be missing was an iPhone/Android app that's specific to the zone diet. On the last webcast he did, he said that an application specific to the zone diet should be available in early June! That's good, because even though I entered specific protein, carb, and fat goals into MFP, it always shows my fat % as over 50!

    Nice to meet you all, and good luck with your weight loss goals, and most importantly, feeling great!

  • sara0143
    sara0143 Posts: 21
    Welcome Eric,
    I've been on the Zone just over a week, glad to hear about the Zone app I'll be lookiing for it in June.