The Change...

Hello, I am so not understanding why it seems i cannot loose weight! I am 51 I have have gained like 15lbs in 3 years I don't get it. Ok so I decide do the Weight Watchers did nothing...When it at one time it did. So I asked my doctor and she recommened to count my calories. So I have been doing this for a week on Tuesday. I do have to look everthing up before I eat (pain) but ok. I watch my grandchilderen all day so when they go in for a nap I do excersice but I am only able to do weights and squats and crunches. Don't get me wrong I know that counts as well but I have do know that cardio is most importand at this time of my life. It is very cold where I live so I cannot get out with the little ones. I do how ever plan on walking everyday once the warm days come.

I must say I am fustrated I feel like know matter how hard I try I am loosing NOTHING. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on making this work for me. I am going to keep on doing it, BUT I did fail to mention I find eating 1200 calories alot for me LOL.. I have to force mysellf to eat that much so of course I feel like I am gaining weight. I know all about the whole starvation mode. It still does not stop me from feeling that way.

I would appreicate any feed back.. Thank you so much.


  • Redgal56
    Redgal56 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey there! I am 56, 5 yrs into menopause. I gained 20 lbs in the first yr. I used to be able to lose fairly quickly in the past but not since reaching menopause. I am on 1200 calories and work out 5 or 6 days a week. My doctor says my body is at 'its happy weight.' Well. being overweight and a risk forhealth-related issues is not safe.
    You are not alone. Seems to happen to the majority of people I know.
  • menopass
    menopass Posts: 27
    Thank you for getting back to me. I am also doing the 1200 one week into it i have lost nothing! I mean how long shoudl i give this 1200 thing. I have always eaten very good. I look in the mirror and I am like who are you/ LOL I don't like it at all. And now I am getting the hot flashes. How long have you been on this 1200 cal diet.?
  • Redgal56
    Redgal56 Posts: 73 Member
    Since Jan 1. I have lost 6 ibs but nothing more since the middle of Feb evn though I upped my exercise. It is so frustrating!
  • bets3
    bets3 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm right there with you ladies, been going through the change for a few years now and wish it would just go away. I did weight watchers for 3 sessions the first session I lost 18 lbs but since then it has been a very frustrating. I am up and down on the scale, I lose and then I gain. I talked to my doctor about it, and she told me to stop worring about what the scale says as long as you excercise daily, watch and track what you eat it will come off. It may take longer than it used to but the most important thing is... to keep moving. I do have to admit that since I started excercising my cloths fit better and I feel better too.
  • menopass
    menopass Posts: 27
    I'm right there with you ladies, been going through the change for a few years now and wish it would just go away. I did weight watchers for 3 sessions the first session I lost 18 lbs but since then it has been a very frustrating. I am up and down on the scale, I lose and then I gain. I talked to my doctor about it, and she told me to stop worring about what the scale says as long as you excercise daily, watch and track what you eat it will come off. It may take longer than it used to but the most important thing is... to keep moving. I do have to admit that since I started excercising my cloths fit better and I feel better too.

    Yup been told the same thing. I really do not like that answer at all.LOL I know why doesn't Weight Watchers work for us now?? I mean it took 3yrs to gain 15lbs all of a sudden it's like what!!! I use to be 105 now 120 the scale does not move.....So i do agree we need to move r bodies. Thanks for the post.
  • marydb0000
    Just found this group - this phase of life is so frustrating! I am a lifelong Weight Watcher and SO tired of the program. It just doesn't seem to work for me anymore and I found it impossible to stay motivated. Something as simple as counting calories seems to have kick-started that weight loss again, but I think really focusing in on the exercise has been key.

    Now if I could just find something so simple to fight these hot flashes and night sweats! Geez!:explode:

  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I do how ever plan on walking everyday once the warm days come.

    Try to buy a new or used treadmill or elliptical trainer. If that's not possible, plan on RUNNING every day when it gets warmer, or working up to running. My gyn told me that from here on out I'll be working against the aging process. That's just the way it is.
  • silvermamma
    silvermamma Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Ladies! My name is Debby. I'm 57. I can definetly relate. Seems like my metabolism has changed drastically since the change. Weight loss is no longer easy like it used to be. I used to just skip supper and I'd see the weight come off. No more.....I've been into menopause for 4 years now. Anyway, I'd love to join your group to mutually encourage one another. Hope you all have a great day!