My 30 day Wii Challenge

shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
As I can't do the 30 Day Shred (I'm wheelchair user so the jumping jacks etc are out!) I decided to create my own 30 day challenge on the Wii.

I get bored quick with games though so decided to chose 2 games or a section of a game to do for 1 week. Finding enough games that can be adapted for me is a challenge in itself!

This last week (week 1) has been Just Dance 3 health challenge (get 7,000 sweat points in the week - it only tracks one arm with Wii so can be done from sitting in chair) and Step to the Beat (using nunchuk strapped to leg with passive trainer bike).

Next week will be Cardio Workout (boxing) and Core Training (floor exercises for back strength and tummy toning)

Week 3 will be Tennis (Wii tennis or Mario Tennis) and Wii Fit MIx (exercises from yoga, muscle training and balance and wii fit plus games)

Week 4 will be Exerbeat and bike (using either Wii Fit Jog or Step to the Beat).

My goal is to have lost a few more pounds and inches by the end of March! I've never attempted a month of solid exercise with no rest days so this is a first for me!


  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Shakybabe - well done! That is a great challenge; you will have to keep us posted as to your progress. I am in my 4th straight week of exercise without a break right now - this is also new to me. Be sure that at least once a week you have a "light" day where you don't try to burn as much as the rest of the week. Best of luck to you, I will be watching for your results!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Thanks.. I've managed 10 days straight then after a longer break 14 days, never attempted 30 consecutive days but the inches aren't dropping off even though the pounds still are, so hoping if I can step it up I'll lose a few more inches off tummy! . I'll post results on 31st March!
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Use this thread to post your results, daily input etc so we can keep up with you! Also if you want, measure yourself before you start, or 2-3 days in too so at the end of your 30 days you can see better results!!! Keep us updated! I'm stoked for you!! Have fun!
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    This is awesome, yes please keep us updated...:flowerforyou:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Thanks guys, I'll be having a light day tomorrow as its my dogs birthday and I take her out to her favourite nature park, then she has her new toys to open and likes me to play with her, its her day tomorrow, she will be 11!

    I'll see if I can fit something in when she has a snooze after dinner!.. I might be too knackered myself by then.. lol! ..but I will just do the core Pilates floor exercises for tummy tomorrow and skip the cardio bit.

    I'm down to 9st 10 (136lbs) now water has come off from TOTM so thats 2lb loss from before they started when I was 9st 12 before the monthly pounds went on right at the beginning of the month!.. the weight loss is usually much slower for rest of the month, usually this 2lb is the only thing I lose all month, since December, if I can lose another pound before the end of March, I'll hit my goal weight (133lbs) at beginning of next month as soon as next TOTM ends! :happy:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    well I'm down 1lb after 3 weeks, but the water is due to go back on next week so I will be back up temporarily when my results are due.. so I won't see final results until around end of first week of April when water from TOTM has come back off again.

    I'm consistently fitting in all 14's and some 12-14's now and lost another inch from around my tummy.. waist has stayed same.

    I think I should have picked April to start this challenge as having nothing on that month, been a busy month with Mothers day and 4 birthdays and other appointments, some days I just been managing to fit 30 mins in before I get in bed on one game or the other, usually wii jog using pedals if I'm tired as its the easiest option I can do without having to get up and down off floor as can use pedals from wheelchair.

    Two more outings for rest of this month now, its step-mums birthday today so I'm out later, just have to go get ready and have one more appointment wednesday... it's not just one appointment that's tiring its the fact that as I have a dog she also has 2 walks a day so that's actually 3 outings in one day PLUS trying to fit in the exercise too.

    Hopefully it will all be worth it if I'm another 2-3lbs lighter when the water comes off!.. I'll stick with it though so its Exerbeat and the bike this next week, though I did alot of bike this last week cos it was easiest option so I might change things and pick another harder game for the last week. maybe more core work and try to tighten tummy up more!
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    Your doing so well especially fitting it into your busy schedule this month.
    Keep it up, you'll be fitter and stronger.
    It's exciting watching your clothes get bigger isn't it?
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    yes definitely! I had got new outfit for xmas day last november and then I was just in 16's and now the trousers are miles too baggy around the tummy, even with a belt on.. I'm hoping to be in 12's by the time I get some new trousers for my birthday outing in June! :happy:
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    Great job, keep it up
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    well.. my 30 day challenge ended, but as predicted I had the pre-menstrual bloat and my TOTM started yesterday so I can't tell if I have lost any extra yet until all the water comes back off from exercising and monthly cycle. so I'll take a break from exercising as I'm busy right now sorting forms out as applying for a new Assistance Dog (my dog is 11 and needs to retire due to throat probs which she may need surgery for).

    I'll weigh as soon as TOTM has ended and water has come off and let you know if I lost any extra than what went on!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    ok the water is off this morning I am only down 2lb as usual for this TOTM. However I was 9st 10 after last monthlies so I did lose an extra pound inbetween and lost another inch off my tummy which was 35" when I started this challenge its now 34 ".

    It seems to have been a lot of work for one extra pound and one inch, so I'm a bit discouraged after pushing myself to exercise for 30 days solid!.. so I won't be doing another 30 day challenge... I have alot of forms to get off this month (applying for a new assistance dog as mine needs to retire) and a new chair to sort.

    I have reached my initial final goal of 3st lost though from last June and I'm now at 9st 7 again for the first time in years! I'm having a diet break whilst I sort out other stuff before I decide whether I want to go any lower.
  • 2jayjaysmom
    2jayjaysmom Posts: 248 Member
    Great are pushing me to do better
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member

    I'm deciding whether to go down to 9st 3 now.. thats Wii Fit says I should be, so I can finish that game too, before I go to maintenance. Then just in case I put few pounds back on maintaining I will be back to where I wanted to be at around 9st 7

    Someone told me you can put 4-5lbs back on when switch to maintenance so if I switch now It will take me back closer to 10st than I want to be if I did put 4-5lbs back on, but if drop down to 9st 3 first I can finish Wii fit and then if do put 4lb back on I'm still back to my original goal of 9st 7!

    If I keep losing at just 2lb a month I should still make it before my original goal date, as its only an extra 4lb off. I just want to tighten tummy up now so mainly doing just the pilates floor exercises and any Wii games aimed at tummy areas.