Talking with friends about Paleo...



  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    Has anybody here read Gary Taubes - Why We Get Fat And What to Do It ?

    I just finished it. It's a nice, quick version of Good Calories, Bad Calories.

    I have Well Fed and have been slowly working my way through it. This weekend I tried the Sheperd's pie recipe. Out of 6 servings, I only managed to have 2. The boyfriend ate the rest of it. Other favorites of mine from the book include: Meatza, Italian Sausage spice mix, Olive Oil Mayo, Ranch Dressing, Mashed cauliflower (the best mashed cauliflower recipe I've tried, and I've tried quite a few of them) and Sunshine sauce. The next ones I want to try are probably Chocolate chili and the zucchini noodle dish.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    haa ha haa - just had to read the "other" thread. Good thing you punched out. Clearly under eating by the few hundred calories you specified, you probably gave yourself cancer and don't know it. what tremendous idiots. I love the "I'm getting my degree in nutrition so I know everything". (no you know the same crap they continue to sell everyone else). And there are few doctors that I consider experts in nutrition anyway.

    I just bought Well Fed. I haven't cooked from it yet - but it came very highly recommended by people in this forum. Very user friendly and the dishes look great. They aren't simple "cook a piece of meat" recipes (so I'll really have to actually cook it would seem)

    The meat muffins are the bomb. I had them every morning with 2 hard boiled eggs for 2 weeks straight. Make them up Sunday night and they keep great. My husband loved them and they are easy to grab when you want a little bite to eat
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    yeah that was interesting over there, I want to go nuts on them all but then I'd be no better so I aborted that mission! I know, I am apparently on deaths door because I am averaging 200-300 less calories a day than them! not because of the years I lived with obesity!

    thanks I'll look that one up online - I do better planning my week when I have a few recipe ideas! I am addicted to the egg things ever!

    There are days I cant eat more than 1000 calories... I make whole-food choices all the time, I do the cooking all the time and I know the specialists working on my case are perfectly aware that there are days I cant eat more than 900-1000 because of the types of food choices I am making. And, they have no problem with that. It happens on the days I rest from the gym. Im sorry but Im not forcing myself to eat more if Im full to the point of being sick. Aint happenin'!

    The days I do workout, I am more careful, and I tend to make sure I net 1200 calories by supplementing with a protein smoothie (Ill add wildberries to it, plenty of ice and it becomes almost like ice-cream!)....

    Some people will sit on such a high-horse bearing the 'mighty-than-thou' attitude and Im one of the people who will pull a Bart Simpson and knock them off from behind... lol