Progress/workout review blog

Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
I have a blog on MFP where I track my progress and review each dvd as I use them. Check it out if you are just starting out and curious as to what is to come (I'm only on week 3, though). If anyone else has a blog going with their progress, please let me know! I'd love to see how others are doing on the program!


  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I like to see if other people have trouble doing the same exercises as me. Crab anyone?
  • sdsmom
    sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
    I hate the crab!! I started workout 5 today and the crab is back, this time with one leg in the air. I had my leg up for about 2 reps then back to the regular crab. I am glad that I am not the only one who hates this exercise!
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    The crab is the WORST! Not happy to hear that it is coming back for workout 5. I hate surrenders. I hope those are gone after these two weeks!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I was so surprised I could do the surrenders! I have been skipping them in No More Trouble Zones for months!!! And I was like, well better at least try, and I did them all! sometimes with weights, sometimes without. Crabs... yea those suck. lol.
    thanks for sharing your blog :)
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    What are Surrenders again? Maybe I've mentally blocked them.
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    Surrenders are when you put your hands over your head (with weights) and get down on your knees then pull yourself back up, all with your hands above your head.
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Mira, Can I ask what your starting weight was as I didn't see that in your blog and you don't look like you have much to lose like me. I am still waiting on my dvds to arrive, it's funny, I live in northern Ohio and dvds shipped from central Ohio, but went via route of PA lol it passed me right up!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Mira, Can I ask what your starting weight was as I didn't see that in your blog and you don't look like you have much to lose like me. I am still waiting on my dvds to arrive, it's funny, I live in northern Ohio and dvds shipped from central Ohio, but went via route of PA lol it passed me right up!

    Lol mine came from Ohio too. I'm in Kentucky but it went twice as far to
    Mississippi then came back to Kentucky. ;)
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    Mira, Can I ask what your starting weight was as I didn't see that in your blog and you don't look like you have much to lose like me.

    I started at 190, so I have a lot to lose! My goal is to lose around 30 pounds with the 90 day program and maybe another 10-20 after that. I'll probably rotate through all the dvds (each day doing a different disc) after the 90 days because I love the workouts SO MUCH!
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    TOTALLY can't do Surrenders. I can hear my knees pop and there's a little screaming from what I can tell.
  • I started my own blog as well. I'm using Tumblr though (
    I just got my Body Revolution in the mail, so I'm going to start today :)