Weight/Fat loss

columbo1 Posts: 6 Member
What are you all doing to lose? I'm eating sensibly, within my calorie limits, limiting my wheat/grains and doing about an hour of exercise 4-5 days a week...YOU?


  • skimom7
    skimom7 Posts: 70
    Hi Columbo -

    I'm new! This will be day 3 for me. I'm pretty much doing the same thing. I have added LOTS of water, drinking about 80-90 oz/day. Congrats on your weightloss. ;o)
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    At least half my weight of water, cleaner eating, ellipticak, ripped in 30 callanetics and about to stsrt lifting.... It is going to be kind of a hybrid regimen :-) oh and biking pulling my kids
  • columbo1
    columbo1 Posts: 6 Member
    Thumbs up to everyone... WE CAN DO THIS!