I finally understand the "runner's high"

danipals Posts: 143 Member
So running was never my thing. It doesn't come naturally to me but I am fighting my way through to this race. Today was a little intimidating as our mileage has jumped up this week to 16m with a 6m run today. Well, I just finished and am feeling AWESOME! I actually felt like I could do another mile or two if I had to. I'm feeling more confident than ever and this just made my day!

I never understood what people were talking about with a runner's high but I think I get it now and that this is what it feels like. Empowering, confident, and happy!

Happy runs to all of you this weekend!!



  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    Yeah for you! Congrats on your running and your runner's high.

    By the way - I peaked at your profile and saw you are a mother - check out this website blog by two co-authors of "Run Like a Mother" and "Train Like a Mother". www.anothermotherrunner.com. They also have a facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/AnotherMotherRunner) and are very helpful! Love them!!
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks so much! I will check them out! I can use all the help and encouragement I can get!