Top 5 Triggers



  • RunningOnClouds
    RunningOnClouds Posts: 6 Member
    1. A change on the scale (up or down)
    2. Seeing thin people
    3. Seeing photos of myself
    4. Work related stress
    5. Failing to accomplish what I set out to do
  • DLaszlo
    DLaszlo Posts: 5 Member
    1.) My family, mainly my birthmom
    2.) Arguments with anyone
    3.) Numbers related to food and weight
    4.) Someone eating less than I am
    5.) Thin people
  • justanotherbrickinthewall
    1. When I see the people around me getting thinner than me. It just pisses me off.
    2. Fights with my Mom.
    3. Reading about EDs/having to talk about mine
    4. When my Mom randomly brings stuff up and shows me things I would do when I was much more sick.
    5. My natural need to feel like I have to control everything.
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    1. Thin women
    2. The fat on my hips
    3. My belly flab from babies
    4. Looking in the mirror in general
    5. Perfectionism
  • MissKatie2011
    MissKatie2011 Posts: 3 Member
    1. Being thin
    2. Anxiety
    3. Low self-esteem
    4. Smaller pant
    5. To be pretty
  • Butterf1y23
    Butterf1y23 Posts: 4 Member
    1. People who are losing weight
    2. Comments about weight loss
    3. the scale
    4. movies/tv programs about ED
    5. ?
  • chammich
    chammich Posts: 104 Member
    1. Being tired
    2. Not feeling like I can lose the weight
    3. Good smelling food
    4. My kids
    5. Financial issues
  • moonrats
    moonrats Posts: 7 Member
    1. Thin people that come to my work and eat like no tomorrow
    2. My hubby when he talks about his 'fat'
    3. The scale
    4. People talking about their new years resolution (b/c everyone's is to lose weight)
    5. LARGER people... Like the morbidly obese. Don't get me wrong, I don't look down on them or anything, I just get scared seeing that a person CAN get that large.)
  • eatathome
    eatathome Posts: 81 Member
    1. Anxiety in general.
    2. My dad (constantly comments on my body, women's bodies, stresses me out in general).
    3. Leaving the house.
    4. Craving/eating unplanned foods
    5. Wearing anything that makes me feel fat (particularly my middle, which logically i know is loose skin from having a kid).
  • eatathome
    eatathome Posts: 81 Member
    "4. People talking about their new years resolution (b/c everyone's is to lose weight) "

    YES. Every year I remind people on Facebook about this.
  • Summerful
    Summerful Posts: 46 Member
    1. My family, the stress they give me and low self esteem
    2. My clothes, the feeling of them fitting looser
    3. Thin people I see out or in movies
    4. losing weight (even just a little)
    5. Depression in general if that counts

    Bonus: Myself lol
  • Sodapop51
    1. Hearing naturally skinny girls say all the junk they can eat without gaining weight/watching skinny girls at school eat junk food.
    2. Thin/perfect body girls at school because they are like living REAL thinspiration NOT photoshopped
    3. My brother who eats junk abd doesnt get fat
    4. Looking at skinny pictures of myself (I dunno why???)
    5. Pictures of junk food that I can't/refuse to eat because they are unhealthy and watching my famy eat unhealthy food and not worry
  • Faiiry
    Faiiry Posts: 1 Member
    1. Getting older.
    2. People commenting on my weight.
    3. Seeing obviously emaciated people (IRL, not so much online).
    4. Flashbacks/dreams of my old unit and treatment team, finding old letters & meal plans etc.
    5. Stupid adverts & spam for ~super amazing effective weight loss!~ diets/products, the ridiculous 'What will you gain when YOU lose?' Special K ad on TV etc. etc.

    But pretty much anything can be a trigger for me if I'm in a particular mindset.
  • RunningOnClouds
    1. Losing weight, nothing makes me want to lose weight more
    2. Gaining weight, not quite a triggering, but still freaks me out
    3. High levels of stress (i.e. deadline at work or school)
    4. Making a mistake and it is my fault
    5. Arguments with those I love
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    1. My mum (always praises weight loss, and comments on weight)
    2. my son and teenage moods
    3. anxiety/stress
    4. the number on the scales
    5. too little sleep
  • amieweedon
    amieweedon Posts: 4 Member
    1.) the urge/rush to be smaller
    2.) giving myself little time to achieve my goals
    3.) wanting to feel good with AND without clothes
    4.) the need for control
    5.) to urge to fit in my 'skinny' clothes
  • nikitsa23
    nikitsa23 Posts: 3 Member
    This would be me...
  • seaponie
    seaponie Posts: 26 Member

    Top 5 reasons to not let my triggers get results-

    1. Knowing I want to live a long life
    2. Knowing lying about eating or purging makes bigger problems
    3. Knowing being healthy is more important than skinny
    4. Knowing no flashback can harm me, I am bigger and stronger now
    5. Having dreams and goals to accomplish

    THANK YOU so much for adding this. I think we all need to make this list <3
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    It really helps to read all your lists. Mine don't feel so frightening because I don't feel so much like a freak on my own.

    1. Talking about binging/ED (mine or other people's)
    2. Feeling sad or hopeless (am bi-polar so these are dark days made darker)
    3. Mirrors
    4. Photographs of me (any)
    5. When I feel overloaded and am avoiding something - it's like I escape into the darkness...
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    1.having mostly skinny friends
    2, seeing my previously thin self in photos
    3, Sugary food
    4, My Mother
    5. Feeling unsuccessful