Finding 30DS L1 harder

Meee2012 Posts: 14 Member

Firstly thanks to Kate for setting up the group :smile:

I was about 15 days into the 30DS before I had to stop because of ankle/foot problems. I was still on L1 (as I have no core body strength and wanted to build that up before attempting L2) but I wasn't finding the workout any easier.

I'm hoping it's just because I was pushing myself harder each time (e.g. another push up, higher butt kicks) but I'm not sure if that's just an excuse so I wondered if anyone else had similar experiences and when (if ever!) it got easier?

Also, do people tend to do it 30 days straight or have breaks inbetween (e.g. 5 days on 2 days off)?

Going to start Jillian again tomorrow morning and am determined to make the full 30 days this time :smile:


  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Great to have you on board Meee! Its been a while since I shreded but usually by around day 4 or 5 it startsto get a bit easier for me, as in I'm not breathing quite so hard and I'm able to complete all the exercises with no breaks, and can start doing some of the harder Natalie moves. Like you I still push myself to go harder and higher etc so it never really gets easy, I guess I just get more used to it.
    I always plan to do it 30 days straight, but sometimes things get in the way. So I'm not too hard on myself if I have to take a rest day or two for what ever reason along the way. Good luck for day one tomorrow!
  • dcjackson50
    dcjackson50 Posts: 196

    I'm new to the group. I've done the 30 dS before but haven't stuck with it. I did level 1 for about 8 days, but I also go to the gym so I found it tough to stick with.
    I am really aiming to do a solid 30 days this time around, and advance through the levels. I have been stuck and am not dropping weight like I want so I'm hoping adding weights to my routine will help (I normally do Zumba spinning and jogging)
    Good luck everyone
  • kellabella83
    So I've been doing Level 1 for the past 4 days and yesterday I tried the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism dvd and it literally kicked my butt. There was one or two moves (on the floor) I just couldn't do, probably bc Im not strong enough. But anyway, since I did that video yesterday I thought I would move on to Level 2 today. Im a little nervous bc it definitely looks more so much more intense. Then after the 20 min of that Im going to do 45 minutes of Zumba.

    Would you consider 20 minutes of the shred your strength training for the day or do you think you need more?