Season 2 - Episode 13 - Beside the Dying Fire (03/18/12) Sea

AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
This thread serves as a place to discuss speculation, and then reaction to the 03/18/12 episode.

On Air Preview:

Sneak Peek of the episode:


  • Sgriffin2382
    Sgriffin2382 Posts: 360 Member
    All those walkers!! I think I will be in a constant state of anxiety the whole show, AND have horrible nightmares for days. BUT, I can't get enough of this show :-) Love it!
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    All those walkers!! I think I will be in a constant state of anxiety the whole show, AND have horrible nightmares for days. BUT, I can't get enough of this show :-) Love it!

    Totally feel you on the nightmares! I woke up this morning drenched in sweat because of a zombie dream. Apparently it's my new normal for Sunday night-Monday morning sleep.
  • Sgriffin2382
    Sgriffin2382 Posts: 360 Member
    Me too. Although last night, all I kept picturing was that last scene, with all the walkers behind them.
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    OMG! I can't wait!
  • reactor25
    reactor25 Posts: 146 Member
    All those walkers!! I think I will be in a constant state of anxiety the whole show, AND have horrible nightmares for days. BUT, I can't get enough of this show :-) Love it!

    I am the same way. The walkers terrify me! I have finally graduated from not watching at all, to running in and out of the room as I watch, to watching with my hands up to cover part of the screen... :)
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Me too. Although last night, all I kept picturing was that last scene, with all the walkers behind them.

    i was yelling at the tv look behind u u dumb people lmao
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    Me too. Although last night, all I kept picturing was that last scene, with all the walkers behind them.

    i was yelling at the tv look behind u u dumb people lmao

    This is what I did last night when Rick was oblivious to Shane becoming a walker and sneaking up behind him. Haha.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    Me too. Although last night, all I kept picturing was that last scene, with all the walkers behind them.

    i was yelling at the tv look behind u u dumb people lmao

    This is what I did last night when Rick was oblivious to Shane becoming a walker and sneaking up behind him. Haha.

    Given the trauma of what had just occurred, I am not surprised his situational awareness was a bit off-kilter. What's even funnier is the scene they released for next episode of Carl and Rick having a heart to heart right after it happened, and then they slowly notice the crowd in the background.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    Me too. Although last night, all I kept picturing was that last scene, with all the walkers behind them.

    i was yelling at the tv look behind u u dumb people lmao

    This is what I did last night when Rick was oblivious to Shane becoming a walker and sneaking up behind him. Haha.

    Given the trauma of what had just occurred, I am not surprised his situational awareness was a bit off-kilter. What's even funnier is the scene they released for next episode of Carl and Rick having a heart to heart right after it happened, and then they slowly notice the crowd in the background.

    which i can't stop watching the godd*amn trailer over and over and each f*ckin' time i still *squeee* like im surprised...WTF...hurry up sunday...and then ill be left with a void *clutches heart dramatically*
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    and why is no one discussing all the **** that happened???!!!!!! *Sigh* i wanna hear theories other than my own damnit!~!!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    This is the first episode of this season I didn't use the term "jumped the shark" to my hubs after watching. I actually went, "Whoa, about f'ing time they got back to the good *kitten*."

    Good stuff. I now am hopeful for the remainder of the season -- especially with the impending sh*tstorm of zombage about to rain down upon their annoying a.sses.

    *throws Andrea out into the field*
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    This is the first episode of this season I didn't use the term "jumped the shark" to my hubs after watching. I actually went, "Whoa, about f'ing time they got back to the good *kitten*."

    Good stuff. I now am hopeful for the remainder of the season -- especially with the impending sh*tstorm of zombage about to rain down upon their annoying a.sses.

    *throws Andrea out into the field*

    *trips Lori*

    Agreed, I miss the epicness of the first season, where I had to watch with my hands clenched, edge of my seat, screaming at the TV. Haven't had a lot of that this season, but the episode in the bar with Rick/Hershel/Glen was good, and this last ep was that way.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    and why is no one discussing all the **** that happened???!!!!!! *Sigh* i wanna hear theories other than my own damnit!~!!

    My quite-flawed theory is that the virus has mutated is now in the bloodstream of any living who have come in contact with zombies. Doesn't take a scratch or injury any more, just requires a good bucket-kicking of the infected living person for the disease to take over.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    This is the first episode of this season I didn't use the term "jumped the shark" to my hubs after watching. I actually went, "Whoa, about f'ing time they got back to the good *kitten*."

    Good stuff. I now am hopeful for the remainder of the season -- especially with the impending sh*tstorm of zombage about to rain down upon their annoying a.sses.

    *throws Andrea out into the field*

    *trips Lori*

    Agreed, I miss the epicness of the first season, where I had to watch with my hands clenched, edge of my seat, screaming at the TV. Haven't had a lot of that this season, but the episode in the bar with Rick/Hershel/Glen was good, and this last ep was that way.

    *f*cks daryl*

    thats all ive got at this point... :)
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    and why is no one discussing all the **** that happened???!!!!!! *Sigh* i wanna hear theories other than my own damnit!~!!

    My quite-flawed theory is that the virus has mutated is now in the bloodstream of any living who have come in contact with zombies. Doesn't take a scratch or injury any more, just requires a good bucket-kicking of the infected living person for the disease to take over.

    my theory is that everyone has it and has had it since the beginning -- since dont we not even know how zombie-festation started or do we and i forgot -- and it doenst take just the bite but rather trauma - and someone else thinks that jenner told rick he's immune...i dont know if i buy this one but if he is then doesnt that makes f*cktard carl immune too cuase rick gave him his blood whne he was shot...god i can't stand carl....
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Yea zombie Shane was fast and loud and Rick never hrard him lol cant wait till Sunday. I would so trip Lori and Carl lol
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    and why is no one discussing all the **** that happened???!!!!!! *Sigh* i wanna hear theories other than my own damnit!~!!

    My quite-flawed theory is that the virus has mutated is now in the bloodstream of any living who have come in contact with zombies. Doesn't take a scratch or injury any more, just requires a good bucket-kicking of the infected living person for the disease to take over.

    my theory is that everyone has it and has had it since the beginning -- since dont we not even know how zombie-festation started or do we and i forgot -- and it doenst take just the bite but rather trauma - and someone else thinks that jenner told rick he's immune...i dont know if i buy this one but if he is then doesnt that makes f*cktard carl immune too cuase rick gave him his blood whne he was shot...god i can't stand carl....

    He's just a kid growing up in zombieland. Cut him some slack. Otherwise, I think your theory is right on about everyone is just already infected. I don't know about Rick being immune though. It wouldn't seem to matter even if he was, if a zombie bites your face off you're going to die anyways. These things don't seem to take little nibbles here and there.
  • reactor25
    reactor25 Posts: 146 Member
    and why is no one discussing all the **** that happened???!!!!!! *Sigh* i wanna hear theories other than my own damnit!~!!

    I don't think everyone is already infected. I think maybe Shane became infected when he cut himself when he was trapped on the school bus with the knife he had already stabbed several zombies in the head with... Remember he did it to sort of drive them crazy as he killed them one by one. There were signs it was already affecting his brain, like when he would sort of grab his head and be nutty when he was in the shed with the boy he wanted to kill.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    and why is no one discussing all the **** that happened???!!!!!! *Sigh* i wanna hear theories other than my own damnit!~!!

    I don't think everyone is already infected. I think maybe Shane became infected when he cut himself when he was trapped on the school bus with the knife he had already stabbed several zombies in the head with... Remember he did it to sort of drive them crazy as he killed them one by one. There were signs it was already affecting his brain, like when he would sort of grab his head and be nutty when he was in the shed with the boy he wanted to kill.

    I think the only thing effecting his brain at that point was Lori.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I think Lori's baby is the key to the whole show. I think newborns will have natural antibodies to fight the infection but it will be a struggle to keep them alive...