S**t SAD People Say



  • scubagoil
    scubagoil Posts: 103 Member

    We were discussing eating habits (as everyone but me was munching on ice cream cake - I had red pepper strips) and she said "Oh I just eat what i want and let medications work everything out"

    {bang head on wall}

    At a work event, we were out with a large group of our doctors and the foods they were eating were total crap. When one of my co-workers said something about expecting doctors to know better, they replied... that's what Lipitor is for!

    Most doctor's aren't going to do studies on healthy eating such as paleo and primal because those studies are funded by Big Pharma. Big Pharma is not going to profit from people leading healthy lifestyles, so they are not going to fund the research into it. Doctor's learn very little in med school about nutrition or pharmacology. Most of what they know is what they learn from drug sales reps...

    People need to rely on common sense. Does it make sense to put chemicals and genetically modified foods into our bodies? Common sense tells me that corn sugar is NOT the same as cane sugar, but they are allowed to promote that garbage on TV and people will believe it because, well... it was on TV!

    People who carry on about being able to eat crap and still lose weight remind me of addicts justifying their behavior... They are not going to give up the cupcakes! They will eat less meat, veggies and fruit to save their calories for it, so it's ok and perfectly healthy in their minds.