Hi There Everyone!



  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    ooo I found a free one for the iphone http://c25kfree.com/ if anyone's interested.

    It's slightly different frm the actual C25k program (this one is 8 weeks), but I think it might be helpful. Gonna try it out and see how it goes :smile:
  • schume89
    schume89 Posts: 118 Member
    Just did W1D3 tonight after Body Pump! I am going to be sore tomorrow! I want to do a triathalon (.25 mi swim, 13 mi bike ride, 5k run) in June, so I am trying to prepare myself for it haha
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    yes shady, we should start together! :happy:

    Has anyone tried Robert Ullrey's Couch to 5k Podcasts? Haven't downloaded them yet but thought it would serve as a good coach/time keeper? or are the apps better?

  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    yes shady, we should start together! :happy:

    I'll get shoes ASAP!! Wanna give ourselves a start date? :bigsmile:
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    I'll get shoes ASAP!! Wanna give ourselves a start date? :bigsmile:

    Do you have a date in mind? I'll be starting indoor bootcamp soon--thought I'd do that first since it's a 4-week program (vs the 9-week C25K) and the weather is still unpredictable here...is that too late? (sorry did I mention, I'm a bit ahead of myself here LOL) :laugh: I'm all in for getting the shoes tho!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I used to run and did it for fun before I gained all the weight that put me solidly in the obese category... and held me captive for far too long. Now, I'm working on making running fun again. Today was my first attempt to go any distance in over 2 years. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and now I'm ready to start something serious.
    I'm starting with week 4 because I'm not technically on the couch, but I'm not anywhere near running 30 min straight. I plan to run MWF at the gym on the treadmill (my nemesis). But it's the most practical given the age of my kids and the condition of the roads and trails this time of year. So, the mill it is! I am excited to be a part of a group that is gettin' it done out there.
  • Ladyeliah
    Ladyeliah Posts: 34 Member
    I just finished W1D1 about an hour ago, and I'm amazed by how it didn't kill me actually. In my head, running is such a fun thing to do, but my body has never agreed, so I'm trying to find some sort of compromise for them. Plus, watching the scale was driving me out of my mind, so I needed a new, non-weight based, goal for myself. I downloaded the free podrunner C25K week 1 track to my MP3 player, and I like that I don't have to worry about how long I've been running/walking, I just have to run to the tempo of the music until it switches.
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    Do you have a date in mind? I'll be starting indoor bootcamp soon--thought I'd do that first since it's a 4-week program (vs the 9-week C25K) and the weather is still unpredictable here...is that too late? (sorry did I mention, I'm a bit ahead of myself here LOL) :laugh: I'm all in for getting the shoes tho!

    Mhmm... I don't have any date in mind, but I'd actually prefer to start it after my Mt Kinabalu climb which is on the last week of April. I'll be back 1st of May, and giving some time for my legs to recover, I should b good to go that weekend or the following Monday! idm starting earlier though (as long I've gotten those shoes) I'll have to take a week's break for the climb. What r ur thoughts? :bigsmile:
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    ^^^oh wow Shady, Mt Kinabalu sounds divine!! Going on vacay in Malaysia??

    Let's set May 7th as the start date. (tentatively) Idm starting earlier either but I'm not sure if I can fit it all in...besides you'll prob kick my butt with those climber's legs!:D I might incorporate some jogging in my weekend walks and attempt W1D1 until then...since I'm not a runner, I might end up repeating days/weeks. I'll be prepared! In any case, glad we have a plan!! :happy:
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    yogi, what sounds divine to you sounds like torture to me :laugh:

    Going on vacation to Kota Kinabalu town specifically to climb the mountain. omg I don't know how I managed to be persauded to do that. Climber legs... wish I've got them. I went up Gunung Belumut (a mountain 1/4 the height of Kinabalu) last Sat and today (Wed), my legs still feel like jelly & I can barely walk. I'm so unprepared that I'll be lucky to make it all the way to laban rata :grumble:

    kk... enough of rant. lol, 7th March is good. We'll do that then. Anyone else wants in? :bigsmile: