home modifications: use of sandbag instead of barbell (and s

Ange_ Posts: 324 Member

I'm only on stage 1 and i suspect that this isn't going to work for the entire program and i'm going to have to go to to a gym eventually.
But i thought i'd share this. I don't have a gym membership (poor student) and i don't have the room for lots of fitness equipment either. I only owned a few barbie weights and a homemade sandbag i had from when i was doing bodyrocktv workouts.
I purchased some resistance bands and swiss ball to start this program with.

Anyway i've found the sandbag to be the most useful piece of equipment for doing anything that i should have a really heavy weight, in particular a barbell for. I started with it being 10kg (22 pounds), but already by the 3rd workout i found this to be too light. So for a quick addition i added the entire collection of barbie weights to get it a bit heavier. Then last night i added another 10kg of sand to it so now it is 20kg (44 pounds).

I just made this sandbag with a duffle bag which already had some useful handles on it, and the sand in a dry bag i had from hiking trips. The bag had a shoulder strap that i just used to wrap it all up tight so it is fairly solid bundle.
The side handles it has seem to be quite strong and let me do all the kinds of movements id need to do with a dumbbell.

Anyway just though i'd share. I realise i'm not doing this program exactly the way it is meant, but it is the only option i have right now.
At the moment i'm using the resistance bands for anything that is supposed to use a cable. So i'll use them for all those work up to a chin-up exercises. When i get to the chin-up/pullup part i think i'll do my workout in the local park with a children's playground and use the monkey bars!

Also thinking about treating myself to a casual gym visit once a week to use the proper equipment once i get in further into the program.

i am also going to make some heavier dumbbells soon with some large washing detergent bottles filled with wet sand. I live in a desert so there is lots of free sand :)


  • Love the sandbag idea. I'm also pretty low on cash. I can't join a gym for the moment but really want to lift weights.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    to update, i found a good deal on a barbell/dumbell set so bought it.
    However the benefit of the sandbag was it gave me a free way to get started with the program without a gym membership to see if i really liked it or not. And it is entirely suitable for stage 1 exercises, could be for more than that too.