Introduce Yourself



  • b3kah5
    b3kah5 Posts: 280 Member
    Hello, I'm Rebekah. I live in Berthoud and work in Loveland. I'm a busy mama and wife with kids 19-9 years old and work crazy hours. I need to eradicate at least 40 pounds. I absolutely love living in Colorado. One of my favorite things to do is go hiking. I haven't done nearly enough this summer! This weekend we went to Estes and hiked the Beaver Meadow Loop. I'm looking forward to getting as many hikes in as I can before it snows, although I just might get some snowshoes! I just started running again after not being able to for a year because of back issues. I have a lot more luck getting strength exercises in at home than getting to the gym. I'm currently doing Piyo. Well anyways, hi everyone!
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    Hi! My name is Jim. I live in Longmont and work in, technically, Westminster. It is just south of Jeffco airport off of 287 in one of the Tech parks. I am 63, and am told I do not look anywhere nearly that old. Yay for that, right? haha Anyway, I am eating healthier, and am bikiing when I can. Right now my goal is 2-3 days per week, but I really want to do more than that. I have worked my way up to just over 16 miles, and hope within the next few weeks to be able to ride to Hygiene and back. That would be a roughly 25 mile round trip. I also walk at times, but prefer biking. Anyone in the Longmont area who would like to ride with me, let me know. And of course, if you're in NoCo, let's be friends!
  • Thyme4change
    Thyme4change Posts: 46 Member
    Fort Collins / NoCo Area... Hi! Are there any who might be interested in starting a group to go on hikes and bike rides? There are so many trails and bike paths out there waiting to be experienced...and our summer is quickly slipping away! I often go biking on my own, but sharing it with like minded people would motivate me and get me doing it more often. Good old fashion picnic lunches are my favorite. However, I have no objection to the occasional 'let's bike for lunch or coffee' kinda destination rides.

    Don't be shy (like I can be) about giving hiking or biking a try. I know what it is like to hesitate to do something like this because of not sure of what to expect. I am not expecting anything. I only want to share with like minded people who love Colorado. If you are afraid your might be too slow or fast, I say don't worry. Because firstly, my objective is to get outside and moving and share it with others. So, please don't be reluctant because you don't know what to expect. We will all figure this out. Friend or IM me, please and post here but be forewarned I might miss a post here, it's happened :D

    I am hoping we can set up a regular day and time to meet up. Bi-mthly or even monthly. And if anyone is really eager, I can commit to weekly.. Did I just say weekly :o (Yes, I like humor;)

    About me...My fitness level is good.
    I can't run a marathon but I can run a slow mile, unless there is a bear behind me. I tend to run for 1-4 mins then walk for a few and run again...walking is too slow for me :(
    I can easily bike 10 miles, even if my bum says otherwise.
    I am a SAHmom, who's youngest is 17 and married to a wonderful man. I just turned 50 this year, but feel like I am 47 ;)

    *Our daughter works and would love for me to take her pouch on walks, so this is another option too. Her dog is a husky mix and a real sweet rescue Female pouch.