Starting Monday, March 19th



  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I ended starting today, woke up too late yesterday. Just finished week 1 day 1 and didn't think it was very difficult, but I'm sure it will just get harder. I'm running this afternoon, so I won't be doing the cardio DVD today....I'll do that on days I don't run (every other day or so). Just curious, how did you log this workout? I entered it as Circuit Training. MFP says I burned 240 calories, but that seems like too many.

    Hard to tell how much you weigh, but it sounds high to me.

    I did Workout 2 today and burned 155 (weigh 205 and 5'0 tall- to give you an idea). I also thought the workouts were VERY doable~ did I mention I'm 51? AND have MS?? lolol
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    Did Day 1 yesterday - I did Workout 1 in the AM and then I did a Zumba class at night, so I counted that as cardio. Today I was planning on not working and doing Workout 2 this morning and then Cardio DVD this evening, but I got called in. So I'm going to do Workout 2 this afternoon and then Cardio this evening.

    I really liked Workout 1 - it was fast paced and it was over very quickly, the time flew by! I burned 267 according to my heart rate monitor. :)
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    I ended starting today, woke up too late yesterday. Just finished week 1 day 1 and didn't think it was very difficult, but I'm sure it will just get harder. I'm running this afternoon, so I won't be doing the cardio DVD today....I'll do that on days I don't run (every other day or so). Just curious, how did you log this workout? I entered it as Circuit Training. MFP says I burned 240 calories, but that seems like too many.

    Hard to tell how much you weigh, but it sounds high to me.

    I did Workout 2 today and burned 155 (weigh 205 and 5'0 tall- to give you an idea). I also thought the workouts were VERY doable~ did I mention I'm 51? AND have MS?? lolol

    Wow! Impressive! :) Keep it up!

    I'm 5'6 and 134, so yeah it's probably calculating pretty high.
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    @MaineMom - I thought it really flew by too! When she said "We're halfway done" I thought she was kidding, haha!
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    Week 1 Workout 2 completed :) Again, these workouts fly by! I love how she moves from one part of the body to another and then back really mixes it up and lets the muscles rest a tiny bit before you come back to them. I always have trouble with balance. I've done yoga for years and I still have terrible balance, so I wobble quite a bit when she does anything to do with balance or anything on one leg. I have fallen arches and I've been doing the workouts without shoes, so maybe shoes will help with that.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Definitely going to be swapping out some of the Cardio workouts - probably throughout. I really can't imagine just doing the same Cardio over and over for 4 weeks - then a new one, but over and over again for 4 weeks. And some days twice? I really wanted to stick with JUST the program for 90 days to see how the results go, but I don't want to be bored or under-challenged, either.

    I like the one half-hour workout per day in that it saves me a lot of time.... but burning 280 calories in the Workouts is making me nervous. My daily calorie burn from exercise is usually more around the 600 mark. How will I adjust to burning 300 fewer calories every day? That's 1800 cals per week... 2 pounds a month slow down?
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Totally blew it yesterday (Kickstart/Phase 1 - Day 3). Was supposed to do Double Cardio 1, but I just couldn't get to sleep the night before, so couldn't wake up early enough in the morning to get it done (and felt lousy when I did wake up). I went for a 30 minute walk on my lunch break to at least burn some cals - but I think repeating the same workouts so often is really going to get to me. Trying to stay on track and remind myself that it's only 4 weeks of each...

    ANYWAY - Today was Kickstart/Phase 1 - Day 4 - Workout 1 + Cardio 1. I got Workout 1 done this morning and I plan to do Cardio 1 after work tonight. I'm going to hit another 30 minute walk on my lunch today to try and make up for yesterday a bit.

    What are you all thinking about moving to the one workout per day after Kickstart Week (for those who are doing Kickstart)? I'm only burning 250-ish cals with each of these workouts (including Cardio) - which really doesn't feel like enough to me. Maybe I'm just still eating way too much food, after all. Doesn't feel like it... if I skipped Cardio 1 tonight I'd still get 1450 cals for the day (I have about 225 left over after calculating all my meals for the day) - so maybe that's enough and I'm just snacking way too much or wasting some calories? Bah.
  • What are you all thinking about moving to the one workout per day after Kickstart Week (for those who are doing Kickstart)?

    I don't think I will only workout one time per day. I will do the CD's in the morning, and something else later. I love swimming, walking and doing the elliptical. I could not imagine giving those up for 90 days.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Well - Kickstart Week / Week 1 is done! Tomorrow (Sunday) is rest day. I'll probably go for a 30-minute walk or slow jog, and do an hour of stretching.

    All-in-all, I did like the Kickstart Week workouts, but I'll be adding extra Cardio AT LEAST 3 times per week. I might go to the gym in the morning and do the half hour Body Rev. workouts in the evening (I live on a 2nd floor apartment and don't like bouncing around so early in the morning - feel bad for the neighbors downstairs).

    I do wish there were multiple cardio workout options each week - as that would keep me more motivated to just stick to the program. It is a butt-kicker, though. Even at just 26 minutes, I'm drenched by the end (especially now that I know the routine completely, so I really up the intensity).

    This is a definitely a you get out of it what you put it into it kind of program. I could easily skim some of the workouts and take the modified options whenever available, and not get a great burn. But when I add weights (or make the weights heavier) and when I really push myself to get the knees higher, dash the suicides faster, pump the arms faster, etc... it gives some good results.

    BUT. Here's the thing. I only lost 0.6 pounds this week. I've been averaging about 1.5-2.0 per week. A little scary.
  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    Well - Kickstart Week / Week 1 is done! Tomorrow (Sunday) is rest day. I'll probably go for a 30-minute walk or slow jog, and do an hour of stretching.

    All-in-all, I did like the Kickstart Week workouts, but I'll be adding extra Cardio AT LEAST 3 times per week. I might go to the gym in the morning and do the half hour Body Rev. workouts in the evening (I live on a 2nd floor apartment and don't like bouncing around so early in the morning - feel bad for the neighbors downstairs).

    I do wish there were multiple cardio workout options each week - as that would keep me more motivated to just stick to the program. It is a butt-kicker, though. Even at just 26 minutes, I'm drenched by the end (especially now that I know the routine completely, so I really up the intensity).

    This is a definitely a you get out of it what you put it into it kind of program. I could easily skim some of the workouts and take the modified options whenever available, and not get a great burn. But when I add weights (or make the weights heavier) and when I really push myself to get the knees higher, dash the suicides faster, pump the arms faster, etc... it gives some good results.

    BUT. Here's the thing. I only lost 0.6 pounds this week. I've been averaging about 1.5-2.0 per week. A little scary.

    Just think about how many muscles you are getting though! don't be scared this is good! :) and don't forget to do measurements! Alot of people aren't seeing a big loss right away but are seeing inches melt away! I have only lost 2 llbs, but I lost 1 in in my chest, another in my waist, and another in my belly fat. Totally worth it. :) Don't get discouraged with the scale!
  • Weigh in day. I lost 6 lbs. on my first week. Very happy! First week always big. Hoping for a steady 2 lb. a week from now on.
    Today is a rest day, and I am going definitely going to rest.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Well - Kickstart Week / Week 1 is done! Tomorrow (Sunday) is rest day. I'll probably go for a 30-minute walk or slow jog, and do an hour of stretching.

    All-in-all, I did like the Kickstart Week workouts, but I'll be adding extra Cardio AT LEAST 3 times per week. I might go to the gym in the morning and do the half hour Body Rev. workouts in the evening (I live on a 2nd floor apartment and don't like bouncing around so early in the morning - feel bad for the neighbors downstairs).

    I do wish there were multiple cardio workout options each week - as that would keep me more motivated to just stick to the program. It is a butt-kicker, though. Even at just 26 minutes, I'm drenched by the end (especially now that I know the routine completely, so I really up the intensity).

    This is a definitely a you get out of it what you put it into it kind of program. I could easily skim some of the workouts and take the modified options whenever available, and not get a great burn. But when I add weights (or make the weights heavier) and when I really push myself to get the knees higher, dash the suicides faster, pump the arms faster, etc... it gives some good results.

    BUT. Here's the thing. I only lost 0.6 pounds this week. I've been averaging about 1.5-2.0 per week. A little scary.

    Just think about how many muscles you are getting though! don't be scared this is good! :)

    I'm not sure, though. I'm actually scared about losing muscle... I went through 3 rounds of p90x before this, which has much more intense strength building workouts in it (and more Cardio). I think it's a step backwards for me, really... but I'm going to see it through. I might just have to find a way to really buckle down on my nutrition, which is harder for me than working out.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I'm finishing up Week 3, which means my first week with Workouts 3 & 4. I gotta say - Jillian was VERY DECEPTIVE with the start of Workout 3. I finished the first circuit and was thinking: "You gotta be kidding me... this is easier than Workouts 1 & 2!!"

    But then came Circuits 2...3...and 4! AHH! Workouts 3 & 4 definitely up the intensity from Workouts 1 & 2 - and they're a little bit longer (35 minutes). A lot of the moves use upper and lower body simultaneously (like sumo squats with overhead tricep raises) which burns the calories.

    I haven't lost much weight at all (teetering back and forth between 0-2 pounds the whole time) in these 3 weeks but I'm certain I have lost a few inches all around. I'm not going to re-measure until the mid-way point, but my clothes are definitely looser - I'm on the next notch on my belt, too. So, even though I'd really like to see that scale start dropping the #'s, I believe I am making progress. I also had to redo my MFP settings because I feel like I was definitely under-eating (1200 Calories is NOT enough, especially if you're not eating back exercise calories and ESPECIALLY if you're adding cardio workouts throughout the week, which I am).

    All-in-all, I'm starting to get a much better burn from the Workouts, which is good, and I'm pushing myself harder with Cardio 1 as well - but can't wait to try out Cardio 2 in a couple weeks!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Today was the last day in Phase One of Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution Program.

    In four weeks, I have only lost 5 pounds - but that's actually not too bad. I just have to get used to this slower per week loss, as I'm nearing my end goal. 1.25 pounds per week is okay!

    I will say, though, I know that I have also lost a lot of overall inches & built muscle / burned fat. I took my measurements at the start of the program, but the card I wrote everything down on has disappeared... hopefully I will find it soon so that I can re-measure and get a better idea of where I stand. I'm fitting in size Medium shirts now, though, and size 33" or 34" jeans - when I started the program I was in strictly size Large shirts and 36" jeans, so that's not bad - dropping a clothing size in 4 weeks is pretty good, right??

    Anyway, some thoughts on Phase One:


    -Workouts 1 & 2 were good starter workouts for the program. They were not that difficult (and for someone who had done a few rounds of P90X actually felt too easy) - but difficult enough, especially for beginners. They also proved to be foundational moves for some of the later ones which appear in Workouts 3 & 4.

    -I like that the Workouts are each done twice per week for two weeks, and then it's on to the next set, which is more advanced. So Weeks 1 & 2 included Workouts 1 & 2, then Weeks 3 & 4 moved on to Workouts 3 & 4 (which were MUCH more difficult).

    -I like that Workouts 3 & 4, which really pick up the intensity, have a lot of moves that use multiple muscle groups - and moves which combine separate ones from the earlier workouts (such as taking Sumo Squats from Workout 2 and combining it with Overhead Tricep Extensions from Workout 1 - to make Sumo Squat Tricep Extensions). I think working upper & lower body simultaneously and/or working multiple muscle groups at the same time really kicks up the burn and is better for the body overall.

    -The workouts were 25-35 minutes long - but packed enough of a bunch for me to (eventually) re-work my calories and stay in goal. I don't have to workout for 60-90 minutes per day anymore (although I do still throw in some bonus non-Body Rev. cardio workouts a couple times per week).


    -I don't like that there is only ONE Cardio workout per phase. That means it's the same Cardio routine twice per week for four weeks. What's more, the Cardio workout itself is three sets of the same circuits... so it gets uber-repetitive. It is a good burn (especially after I got used to the routine and could really push myself). Still, I would love more variety.

    -Jillian sometimes loses track of time so we spend more time one one leg or one arm than on the other. It feels a bit unbalanced when this happens - but it doesn't happen all that frequently (and once you have the workouts down, you can adjust).

    -The warm-up/cool-down are so basic and so short. I'm really a fan of longer warm-ups and cool-downs, but Jillian Michaels workouts never have this. I think the body would really benefit from more build-up and come-down time, especially since these workouts are so intense. Jillian doesn't want to "waste" time, though - she's trying to keep the workouts near 30 minutes, so she doesn't want to spend valuable calorie burn time with the lower-heart rate stuff, which is understandable... we can always throw in more if needed.

    -I wish there was a stretching disc for rest day.