
ebonie101 Posts: 95 Member
hi, my name is ebonie and i am 4'10 lol. :p wonder if anybody is as small as me.


  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    I've only got a inch and a half on you... and that's with me stretching on a good day ;)
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    I am fiona, 4ft 10, its so hard too lose weight when you are short, i did the bmi thingy and if i was 5ft7 i would be spot on.
    nice to hear how everyone manages with the whole bmr problem as ours is so low.
  • staceynewbon
    staceynewbon Posts: 15 Member
    lol im 4 ft 8
  • ebonie101
    ebonie101 Posts: 95 Member
    lol yeah im supposed to be like 91-115 according to some weight calculator....that dont even sound like an adult but being 4 foot makes that my supposed weight. really sucks. nice to meet you alll
  • xochiaxo
    xochiaxo Posts: 4
    Hi fellow meatballs, I'm 4'-10, 177lb. My goal is 110. I've never seen the scale lower than 125, so this is going to be quite a challenge.

    We can do it! :wink:
  • xsaribarix
    xsaribarix Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 4'9'' and 152. My goal is 100. Nice round number. Best of luck to you! x
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm 5'0" and trying to lose belly fat. I'm 113 as of June 12th down from 125 in January. I really just want to lose the belly, but it's very difficult because that's where I store all my fat.
  • lottabottle
    lottabottle Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all

    I am 4ft 10 and weigh 160llbs would love to be 110 but would settle for 130 how is everyone finding being able to lose anything on such a low calorie intake?
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    the low calorie intake isn't too bad when you use every calorie wisely. lots of veggies and lean proteins fill me up. I make HUGE plates of grilled veggie medleys with my fish or chicken often times its under 300 calories and keeps me fill for a few hours. yum
  • enigmachik
    enigmachik Posts: 150
    Hi, I'm 4'10" too. I do think it is especially challenging when you're short to keep the weight off. Our BMR is really low!
  • Hi there I'm 4'10 and 115...trying for 105. I'd be happy with that number. I fluctuate from 110 to 115 and can't seem to get under 107 for the life of me.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I am 4'10 also but over 200 lbs..This website has been the best thing going for me!!
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm 5'0" and the 1,200 calorie diet helped me lose 16lbs. The 1,450 to maintain has also been working!
  • mnj777
    mnj777 Posts: 17
    I'm 4'11 x.x and I'm like probably at about 190 right now. Running helped me lose weight the first time though x.x