Sleep issues

natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
I've read that thyroid problems can cause sleep issues. I never mentioned it to the doc because I didn't consider it an issue. I can only sleep for 6 hours. No matter what time I go to sleep, 6 hours later i'm up. Made the mistake of going to bed at 9pm one night. Wide awake at 3am.

Anyone else experience this? Not sure if it's my thyroid....or just me.

I have blood work annually, when I need a new script to make sure no adjustments need to be made.


  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I barely sleep too. I've just been diagnosed with hyper and I wake up nearly all through the night. Last night I wore a heart rate monitor to check on things. This morning when I checked it my average was 83 and the max was 204 :-0 No wonder I'm not sleeping very well...
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Very, very common -- inability to get to sleep, waking up multiple times as well as waking up and staying up. Could be thyroid - could also be adrenals -- ask your doctor for a 24 hour cortisol test -- testing levels at different times.

    I have terrible insomnia -- getting to sleep takes about 2 hours and then I wake up about every 1-2 hours all night long. Get up when the alarm goes off and feel like I haven't slept.
  • Susancaskey
    That sounds just like me... I did the cortisol tests and it was so odd, my levels are way way low except between lunch and dinner when they spike super high. I started taking an herbal adrenal support, not sure if it helping now, but it did for a while.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    That sounds just like me... I did the cortisol tests and it was so odd, my levels are way way low except between lunch and dinner when they spike super high. I started taking an herbal adrenal support, not sure if it helping now, but it did for a while.

    Yeah - that's the opposite of what it should be. Your cortisol levels should be highest after you wake up in the morning and decreasing to lowest by dinner/evening. Your bass-ackwards! :tongue: I don't know how you correct that, but there's a lot of info on adrenals on the website.
