How's the Running?



  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    I completed W2 D1 yesterday! I'm super proud of myself. I quit smoking 2 weeks ago and I'm still getting over the flu that went around my house. I was pretty stinkin' tired on that last run. I had to push myself but I totally made it!! :happy:
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Last night when it was time to stop running and go back to walking..I wanted to keep running!! Victory!

    I like some others repeated week 1, so tomorrow will be Day 6 of Week 1. I should not have repeated it.

    Go us!!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I was suppossed to start yesterday and well....I didnt! I did go for a walk with the kids but not the actual program. I am thinking of doing that today if I get a chance to and also going for it tomorrow morning since I dont have to go to work. that way monday I can do Week 2...what do you all think?
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Completed Week nine, Day 2. I ran for 40mins non stop though found it a bit hard today but pushed through. Its a good program to get you going and moving.
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    Great going everyone!! You inspire me!!!

    I just finished week 1 today!!! I look forward to my first 5k!! I do find running gets a little long with the wrong music!! Anyone have any suggestions for songs?
  • Just finished W3D7 covering a total of about 5.3km. The first 3 minutes and the last 3 always seem to be the hardest but I got through the rest OK. Week 4 here I come. Good luck everyone!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    so I did my first run today after a year of not doing so. I feel like I actually did better than I thought. I started with a 5 min brisk walk and then started jogging. I only had to stop twice for about a min or so to catch my breath! So all in all I completed only 2 miles today but I averaged 11min/mi which to me its huge! I thought I was gonna be done after the 1st min of jogging but I guess not!

    Now my question to you all is........ If I managed to accomplish this, what week do you all think I should start with! I feel like I may be able to skip week 1 and....what do you all think?
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 532 Member
    W2d3 completed today. how far is everyone running??
  • TiffaniUT
    TiffaniUT Posts: 23
    I finished Week 4: Day 1 last night and was shocked that I could actually run for 5 minutes now! I NEVER thought in my wildest dreams that I would be able to run! I can't wait to keep going and push myself and eventually make it to that 5k soon!!!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 233 Member
    I guess you could say I'm on week 3. I started, got the respiratory crap, so started over again. However, I have modified it a bit. I'm running every day, M-F. The walk times I have modified a bit. I only walk a minute then run again. Just looked up Week 3, so we'll see how it goes in the morning. I'm not sure if I'll modify or follow it exactly.

    I can tell a difference already. I walk at a faster pace and don't get near as winded when running.

    Last time I ran it was 2.19 miles
  • jennifer0626
    jennifer0626 Posts: 30 Member
    I am starting W1D1 tonight! Very excited about this new challenge. I am not a runner but I am motivated to do a 5K on Mother's Day so I need to get in the mode for running! I'll check in tomorrow and post how things went!

    Looking forward to the support of this group while I trudge through this!
  • TheCountryMomma
    TheCountryMomma Posts: 87 Member
    I am starting W1D1 tonight! Very excited about this new challenge. I am not a runner but I am motivated to do a 5K on Mother's Day so I need to get in the mode for running! I'll check in tomorrow and post how things went!

    Looking forward to the support of this group while I trudge through this!

    Welcome to the group jennifer!!!! Glad to have you aboard!!!!
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Finished C25K!!!! Decided to get off the treadmill and run my final run on the road! Went round Lake Pupuke I think its 5.8kms. Had a 5 min warm up walk first. This has been my first run/jog outside in 3 years!! Yippee I made it non stop!
  • lilbitsc89
    lilbitsc89 Posts: 77 Member
    Completed week 3, day 1 today! yay! I've never been a runner and I was suprised I made it through the 3 min run (jogging for me) sections. I was a little disappointed when I checked my endomondo app and I figured I would have burned more calories today with more jogging involved but I had less than the 1 1/2 jogging intervals. Oh well, Ill build up my speed. Gotta keep it up (week three is my weakness with anything! ) But I'm still going... :)
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Just did W2D2... I feel great. My timer app got screwed up and I ended up running more. I mean, I got confused and so started over. Instead of doing 7 reps of 90/120, I did 12. Was very tired by the last one! But it felt really good to push myself that extra bit.

    I like to run straight out for the full training set, and then walk briskly back. It's more than 3.5 miles if I do that, and I like knowing that I'm "doing" 5k even if I'm not running the whole thing.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Completed week 3, day 1 today! yay! I've never been a runner and I was suprised I made it through the 3 min run (jogging for me) sections. I was a little disappointed when I checked my endomondo app and I figured I would have burned more calories today with more jogging involved but I had less than the 1 1/2 jogging intervals. Oh well, Ill build up my speed. Gotta keep it up (week three is my weakness with anything! ) But I'm still going... :)

    Good for you! I'm nervous about next week!

    And, yeah, I jog really, really slowly. I think our speed will naturally increase without our even trying.

    Years ago, at Navy boot camp, I initially had a hard time doing the running. Then, we had to run 1.5 miles for our final fitness test to graduate from basic training. I knew I had plenty of time to pass, so I didn't push myself. I just ran easily. I ended up with a much, much better time than I'd expected to have. I forget what it was, but it was very good. Even the RDC's were surprised when the saw it. They'd seen me struggle and when I was running I didn't look like I was trying. But it was a very good time.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Finished C25K!!!! Decided to get off the treadmill and run my final run on the road! Went round Lake Pupuke I think its 5.8kms. Had a 5 min warm up walk first. This has been my first run/jog outside in 3 years!! Yippee I made it non stop!


    I often wondered how treadmill translated to real surfaces. Did it feel easy to you?
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Ok so yesterday I went for my second jog and decided that I would take our 5month old American Bulldog with me.....COMPLETE FAILURE!!!!!

    I dont think he is ready to run....he kept stopping or slowing down, I felt like I was dragging all 50lbs of him LOL!! So from now forth I will be running on my own until he gets a bit older! I was so upset that I had to stop my run so many times because I feel that I could have done so good.

    I am wondering if any of you have any suggestions as to what week I should be at. I am able to run 2 miles at about 11min/mi...I start of with a 5min brisk walk and then I run the rest of the time except for two 1min breathers....... I fel like I can skip week 1 and 2, maybe even 3, but wanted to get some feedback from all you out there!

    Thanks, I greatly appreciate it!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    3rd run so far and it went good! I cant wait to build endurance and be able to run non stop!!!
  • jhughes3155
    jhughes3155 Posts: 7 Member
    I reran w3d3 (for the third time lol) today. I usually do it on my treadmill, running at 3.1 (I know it's super slow, but my treadmill is literally from the 1970's and if I go any higher than 3.1mph the belt sticks and I face plant into the control panel hehe. Anyway, I felt like my legs & heart rate were really good outside tonight, but I felt like I just couldn't breath deep enough, and kind of panicked.

    I have 3 theories:
    1. I am used to being inside, and the humidity outside affected my breathing (south Arkansas)
    2. I was running faster than my usual 3.1?
    3. I have junk in my lungs from allergies (killing me today!)

    Anyway, all that being said, I DID finish my runs. Just very concerned about trying to move to week 4 (outside anyway--pretty sure I could kill it on my granny treadmill lol)